Chrome Wallpaper in Photoshop

Hope you will enjoy these kind of Wallpapers, now you can make by yourself. This Tutorial will teach you how to make Chrome Wallpaper in Photoshop. Very Easy and Simple Photoshop Tutorial.

1. Create new file with following settings:


2. Create a new Layer. Fill with any color. Then goto Layer >> Layer Style >> Gradient Overlay. Give the following settings:


You will get this:


3. Chose line tool and draw different lines like:


4. Merge all lines in one layer and run the command Filter >> Blur >> Gaussian Blur and give the following settings;


5. Now run the command Filter >> Blur >> Motion Blur and give the following settings:


This effect will come:


6. Run the command Edit >> Transform >> Warp


and while using Nodes make the shape like this:


7. Press Ctrl+T and change the size like this:


8. Run the command Layer >> Layer Style >> Gradient Overlay and give the following settings:


It will give the following look:


9. Run the command Layer >> Layer Style >> Outer Glow and give the following Settings:


It will give following look:


10. Create new layer and bring white color in Foreground color, then take Brush tool and press F5 key then chose the following:

Chrome Wallpaper

Chrome Wallpaper

Chrome Wallpaper

Chrome Wallpaper

and make the circles like this:

Chrome Wallpaper

11. Run the command Layer >> Layer Style >> Outer Glow and give the following settings:

Chrome Wallpaper

You will get this result:

Chrome Wallpaper

12. Now we are going to make big circles, again take Brush tool and press F5 key then chose the following settings:

Chrome Wallpaper

Chrome Wallpaper

Chrome Wallpaper

Chrome Wallpaper

make circles like this:

Chrome Wallpaper

13. Run the command Layer >> Layer Styles >> Outer Glow, and give the following settings:

Chrome Wallpaper

here is the final result of Chrome Wallpaper you will get.

Chrome Wallpaper

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