Fire behind any object, you must have read these kind of Tutorials, but this Tutorial is different from all those, we are going to create Fireball in Photoshop. It is very long Tutorial but easy one, so Enjoy.
Final Result of Fireball in Photoshop, which we are going to create:
1. Take a new very big file, I’m going to take 2400 x 2400 px size with 72 resolution and RGB mode:
Save this file and give its name as background.
2. Fill this layer with Black color and press Ctrl+J to duplicate it:
3. Run the command Filter >> Render >> Difference Cloud,
4. Press Ctrl+F to repeat this command, unless you get Satisfactory clouds:
5. Run the command Image >> Adjustment >> Level or press Ctrl+L and give the following settings:
you will get this:
6. Now run the command Filter >> Render >> Lighting Effects and give the following settings:
you will get this:
7. Now again run the command Image >> Adjustment >> Levels or press Ctrl+L, but this time select Red in Channel and give the following settings:
you will get the following result:
8. Now again run the command Image >> Adjustment >> Levels or press Ctrl+L, now this time select Green in Channel and give the following settings:
here you will get :
9. Now run the command Image >> Adjustment >> Levels or press Ctrl+L once more time and this time select Blue from Channel and give the following settings:
you will get this:
10. Now create new layer and fill it with White color:
11. Run the command Filter >> Render >> Fibers and give the following settings:
you will get this:
12. Now run the command Filter >> Blur >> Radial Blur and give the following settings:
You will get this effect:
13. Goto Layer Panel and select Hard Light instead of Normal and give opacity to 65%:
This effect will come:
14. Now run the command Image >> Adjustment >> Level or press Ctrl+L and give the following settings:
you will get this result:
15. Now select Layer 1 and run the command Filter >> Distort >> Displace, hit ok and select your Current opened file and hit Open button:
you will get this:
16. While keep activating the Layer 1, run the command Filter >> Distort >> Glass and give the following settings:
you will get this result:
17. Take Eyedropper tool and pick Yellow color from the picture:
18. Run the command Select >> Color Range and adjust the following settings:
here you will get:
19. Create new layer and fill it with White color:
20. Press Ctrl+D to deselect and run the command Filters>> Blur>> Radial Blur, give the following settings:
21. Now select Layer 1 and run the command Image >> Adjustment >> Levels and give the following settings:
you will get this:
22. Select Layer 1, Layer 2 and Layer 3 and press Ctrl+E to merge all these layers:
23. Now press Ctrl+A to select all and press Ctrl+Shift+C (or run the command Edit >> Copy Merged), go to Channel panel, create new layer there and press Ctrl+V in new layer Alpha1:
here the result would be:
24. While keep selecting Alpha 1 channel, at the bottom of the Channel Panel click on Load Channel as button:
press Ctrl+Shift+I, your selection would be like this:
25. Select RGB again and come back to Layer panel.Create New Layer and fill it with Red color #3C1111, and Set the transfer mode of this layer to Hard Light and keep its opacity as 100%.
26. Merge this layer with previous one:
27. Take Brush Tool and keep Black color in the foreground (by pressing D), brush the borders area of the file like:
28. Run the command Filter >> Distort >> Polar Coordinate and select Polar to Rectangular and click ok:
This result will occur:
29. Press Ctrl+T and right click on it and select Flip Vertical, now reduce the size from top to bottom and press <Enter> key.
30. Press Ctrl+T again, reduce the size and change the angle to 90 and press <Enter> key.
31. Now run the command Filter >> Distort >> Shear and make the curve like this:
This result will come:
32. Now press Ctrl+T again and change its angle back to its normal position. While using Ellipse tool draw an ellipse over this file (don’t forgot to keep its color black).
33. Duplicate file layer and press Ctrl+T and flip vertical and then reduce its size and put it at the bottom of Circle like:
34. Now run the command Filter >> Distort >> Polar Coordinate this time select Rectangular to Polar and hit ok:
35. Now press Ctrl+T and adjust this layer like this:
36. Select Circle layer and apply the following Styles: (By using Layer >> Layer Styles >> Bevel and Emboss command), give the following settings:
Here is the final Result of Fireball in Photoshop:
yuhuuu.. i just now make it… thanks tutorial 😀