January 12, 2025
Diamond Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop

This is very nice Photoshop Tutorial which will teach you how to make Diamond Text Effect in Photoshop. Very nice technique to write Diamond Shapes text.

1. Create a new document of size 560x400px, with RGB color scheme and 72 Resolution.

2. Double click on the Background layer and then write any name and hit ok.

3. Run the command Layer >> Layer Style >> Gradient Overlay and make the following gradient:


Here is the result which should come:


4. Now create an empty layer and press Ctrl+E to merge it with previous layer. Now run the command Filter >> Brush Stroke >> Sprayed Stroke and give the following settings:


This result should come:


5. Now run the command Filter >> Noise >> Add Noise and give the following settings:


Here is the result:


6. Now goto Layer Panel and change layer mode from Normal to Screen and set opacity up to 50%.

7. Write your own text in the middle of the page:

Diamond Text Effect

8. Now run the command, Layer >> Layer Styles >> Drop Shadow and give the following settings:

Diamond Text Effect

Don’t hit ok, click on Bevel and Emboss and give the following settings:

Diamond Text Effect

Again don’t hit ok, click on Contour and give the following settings:

Diamond Text Effect

It is not time yet to hit ok, click on Pattern Overlay and give the following settings:

Diamond Text Effect

Now time to hit Stroke and give the following settings:

Diamond Text Effect

You will get the final result of Diamond Text Effect Tutorial:

Diamond Text Effect

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