January 11, 2025
Dynamic Background in Photoshop

So far I’m discussing Background techniques, mean how to make Dynamic Background using Adobe Photoshop. So here is another tutorial about it.

1. Create a new file of following size:


2. Pick Gradient Tool gradient-tool and and pick the following gradient:


3. Make sure the Mode is set to “Difference” and Opacity to 70%, draw as show below:

Dynamic Background

4. Having same Gradient tool, draw from Lower right corner to Upper Left corner, 3 or 4 times to make like this:

Dynamic Background

5. Press Ctrl+U or run the command Image >> Adjustment >> Hue/Saturation, give the following settings:

Dynamic Background

you will get this finally.

Dynamic Background

This Adobe Photoshop tutorial about Dynamic Background was really very shortest one. But for beginners there must be something to adopt from it. They must have learnt Gradient Tool in Adobe Photoshop from this Tutorial. Some basic commands were also used while making this tutorial, like Hue and Saturation. Keep visiting our other Tutorials and you may learnt a lot from those Tutorials. Our some Tutorials are very popular among others and they are sharing these Tutorials on their Blogs. Don’t forget to tell us about this Tutorial, how you find it, by typing your Precious comments in the Box given below. We really love to hear from you all.

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