Swimming Pool Water Effect: Lets Create in Adobe Photoshop
Very shortest and simple technique to make Water effect. By using this Photoshop Tutorial you will create Swimming Pool Water Effect.
1. Create a new file of size 560×560 px with 72 resolution and RGB color mode.
2. Make Foreground color as #043E7E and background color as #FFFFFF in color palette, then run the command Filter >> Render >> Clouds, if you think that clouds are not your desire one, then don’t worry, just press Ctrl+F to repeat this.
3. Now run the command Filter >> Distort >> Ripple and give the following settings:
4. Now run the command Filter >> Distort >> Ripple again but this time select Size as Medium, like;
you will get finally Swimming Pool Water Effect in Photoshop:
So this was very short Adobe Photoshop Tutorial, some basic techniques discussed in this Tutorial. By using this command and technique you can create different dynamic backgrounds. You may change the colors and the settings of command. Hope you’ve learnt something from it. Keep visiting our blog for more Tutorials, not only about Adobe Photoshop but also some other design and animation tools. Don’t forget to tell us your views by writing your Precious Comments under the box given. We really love to hear from you.
Thanks for sharing this tutorial, its exactly what I was looking for and I’m glad to have stumbled across it!