January 10, 2025

It is my favorite tutorial and very important one. Sometime you take picture and some stains come over it or suppose you have a picture which is having pimples etc. over the face. and you wanted to remove those stains, so here is the tutorial which may help you a lot to remove stain in Photoshop:

1. Lets start with a picture which is having stains over it, I’m using a model picture:


2. Press Ctrl+J to duplicate it and then run the command Filter >> Blur >> Smart Blur:


After hitting Ok, you will get this result:


3. Now create a new layer and change the blending mode from Normal to Hard Light (from Layer Panel). And go to Edit >> Fill, select 50% Gray from use list box and see the result below:


4. Go to Filter >> Noise >>Add Noise and give the following settings:


This result should come:


5. Select the Eye Dropper tool and pick the lighter color from your skin (it should match your skin). Then open the Color panel by running the command, Windows >> Color, click on small right arrow (more option button More Button) and then give the following settings:


6. Now from Layer Panel take a new Group (Set) and the put all layers in that group, just leave the original picture, don’t put it inside the group. select the folder and go to Layer >> Add Vector Mask >> Hide all. Now press D to bring Default black and white color in Color Palette. Select any soft brush and then move it on your skin, like shown below:

Remove Stain in Photoshop Tutorial

here is another look after using brush, you can see the brush is used under the lips:

Remove Stain in Photoshop Tutorial

7. After using brush on your total skin . See the result below and also see what happened to Layer Panel, where you used brush will change the color to black and white:

Remove Stain in Photoshop Tutorial

Now go to Image >> Apply Image and give the following settings:

Remove Stain in Photoshop Tutorial

This result will come:

Remove Stain in Photoshop Tutorial

Here are both Pictures, one before using this technique and other after using this technique, you will get real nice look now, hope you enjoyed our Remove Stain in Photoshop:

Remove Stain in Photoshop Tutorial

About The Author

3 thoughts on “Clear Your Skin, Remove Stain in Photoshop Tutorial

  1. Have a tips to reduce your wrinkled skin…. WRINKLED REDUCING JUICE… I drink it 3 times a day, and after 8 days, my skin look more younger. You have to drink It regularly.

  2. WOWWW…. I have to be clever to choose anti aging product now….

    I Have a tips to reduce your wrinkled skin…. WRINKLED REDUCING JUICE… I drink it 3 times a day, and after 8 days, my skin look more younger. You have to drink It regularly.

    Download The recipe At http://fileme.us/16881d

    I hope this can help reduce wrinkles in your skin……….

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