It is my favorite tutorial and very important one. Sometime you take picture and some stains come over it or suppose you have a picture which is having pimples etc. over the face. and you wanted to remove those stains, so here is the tutorial which may help you a lot to remove stain in Photoshop:
1. Lets start with a picture which is having stains over it, I’m using a model picture:
2. Press Ctrl+J to duplicate it and then run the command Filter >> Blur >> Smart Blur:
After hitting Ok, you will get this result:
3. Now create a new layer and change the blending mode from Normal to Hard Light (from Layer Panel). And go to Edit >> Fill, select 50% Gray from use list box and see the result below:
4. Go to Filter >> Noise >>Add Noise and give the following settings:
This result should come:
5. Select the Eye Dropper tool and pick the lighter color from your skin (it should match your skin). Then open the Color panel by running the command, Windows >> Color, click on small right arrow (more option button ) and then give the following settings:
6. Now from Layer Panel take a new Group (Set) and the put all layers in that group, just leave the original picture, don’t put it inside the group. select the folder and go to Layer >> Add Vector Mask >> Hide all. Now press D to bring Default black and white color in Color Palette. Select any soft brush and then move it on your skin, like shown below:
here is another look after using brush, you can see the brush is used under the lips:
7. After using brush on your total skin . See the result below and also see what happened to Layer Panel, where you used brush will change the color to black and white:
Now go to Image >> Apply Image and give the following settings:
This result will come:
Here are both Pictures, one before using this technique and other after using this technique, you will get real nice look now, hope you enjoyed our Remove Stain in Photoshop:
ok great tip i like it very much and bookmark your website link for further info
Have a tips to reduce your wrinkled skin…. WRINKLED REDUCING JUICE… I drink it 3 times a day, and after 8 days, my skin look more younger. You have to drink It regularly.
WOWWW…. I have to be clever to choose anti aging product now….
I Have a tips to reduce your wrinkled skin…. WRINKLED REDUCING JUICE… I drink it 3 times a day, and after 8 days, my skin look more younger. You have to drink It regularly.
Download The recipe At
I hope this can help reduce wrinkles in your skin……….