
This is Photo Retouching Tutorial, you can use this Tutorial to make pictures attractive. We are going to create Dreamy Picture in Photoshop, we will require any picture with any Quality, then we will make it attractive, lets Start!

1. Open any picture on which you wanted to work on:

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

2. Press Ctrl+J to copy this picture and then run the command, Filter >> Blur >> Gaussian Blur and give the 3px in the box appeared:

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

3. Now run the command Filter >> Distort > Diffuse Glow and apply these details:

Glow Amount=18
Clear Amount=18

Picture will look like this:

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

4. Now change the opacity of the layer to 50% and see the result as shown below:

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

5. Press CTR L+E to merge the layer with original and go to Filter >> Sharpen >> Unsharp Mask and apply these details:


and see the result:

How to Create Dreamy Picture

6. Now create a new layer and create this shape with the Polygonal Lasso tool  and fill the white gradient:

How to Create Dreamy Picture

7. Now Go to Filter >> Blur >> Gaussian blur and give the 60px blur:

How to Create Dreamy Picture

Here is the first image

How to Create Dreamy Picture

This is the final result of Dreamy Picture in Photoshop:

How to Create Dreamy Picture

Though it was very short Tutorial, not much time consuming Adobe Photoshop Tutorial, but hopefully you have learnt some thing from it. It will really help those persons who are new in Designing field and wanted to work over some pictures to make Quality. So hopefully you will create some Dreamy effects over your pictures to make them attractive. Keep visiting us for new and attractive Tutorials about some other tools, other than Photoshop.

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