February 8, 2025

In this tutorial I will teach you a very cool Grassy Natural Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop. It is a very simple Tutorial. You will create a Grassy Text effect by using Adobe Photoshop, you will need 1 Grass and 1 Wooden background to make this tutorial. Without wasting time, let’s start.1. Create a new document of size 560 x 400 px and fill it with Black color.

2. Type the Text “STUNNING MESH”.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

3. The next step is using blending mode effects. Right click on the text effect and chose Blending mode. A box will appear now select the color over option and give a color “#c6ff00” to text and also given the following details:

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

4. Now give the Inner Shadow to your text check this image and give the following details:

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

5. Its time to give Outer Glow color with “#ffdb96” check the following image:

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

6. Apply the Bevel & Emboss effect, check this image for settings:

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

Your text will look like this (no need to apply any gradient):

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

7. Still working with the text layer. Go to text layer and move your mouse pointer on the thumbnail and Hold Ctrl bottom to select the text.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

8. Now go to top menu bar Select and go to Modify and select Expand and give 10px.

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial

9. Open any nature wallpaper like grass. Press “M” move your cursor on your text selection and move it in the image.

Grassy Natural Text Effect

10. Copy and paste the grass in your original document and change the blending mode to  Hard Light.

Grassy Natural Text Effect

Press Ctrl+L and apply the following details:

Grassy Natural Text Effect

11. Now its time to make text more natural. Open any wooden image in Adobe Photoshop and in your original document select the some Bottom Parts of your text area and feather with 20px.

12. Press “M” and move the selection into wood or any rock image copy area and paste it in to your original image. Bottom of the text

Just Like This:

Grassy Natural Text Effect

13. Press Ctrl+U to give brown shaded Color, Like This:

Grassy Natural Text Effect

14. Copy the Rock and Paste it in to your original document bottom of your text and see the final look of Grassy Natural Text Effect in Photoshop

Grassy Natural Text Effect

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