October 13, 2024
3D Effects in Illustrator

I’m going to tell you very simple and short technique to Make 3D Effects in Illustrator. You will really enjoy it as it is not difficult way to do so. So come and lets start.

1. Select Pen Tool from your toolbar and create this kind of shape:


2. Goto Effect >> 3D >> Revolve and give these setting:


see the result:

3D Object

4. Here is another object and way to make 3D,


5. After making object and selecting it, run the command, Effect >> 3D >> Extrude and Bevel and give the following settings:

3D Extrude

Here is the result:


6. You can also make 3D Text Effect. Write your text and give it any color and outline:


7. Goto Effect >> 3D >> Extrude & Bevel and give these setting:


See the result

3D Effects in Illustrator

8. Now I’m going to type Full name and then I’m going to copy it and then paste it:

3D Effects in Illustrator

9. Now I’m going to change the second text to MESH.

3D Effects in Illustrator

10. Here is the final result of our 3D Effects in Illustrator, so by using this technique you can convert 2D objects to 3D, it was very simple technique:

3D Effects in Illustrator

Hope the beginners have learnt something from this technique. You can ask any kind of question by filling the following Comment Box. We really love to have your views and questions.

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