Today we are going to make a USB in Photoshop, the purpose is only to tell you some commands, blending options and Tools etc. So that you should familiar with Photoshop and work easily on different tools. So very short tutorial but interesting. Must try to make it by yourself.
Here is the Final Look of our USB in Photoshop Tutorial:
1. Lets start with a new file. Pick Rounded Rectangle Tool (with 100px roundness) and draw a long rectangle like shown below, no worries about Color. After making rectangle Right click on its name on Layer Panel and select Rasterize Layer:
2. Run the command Layer >> Layer Style >> Drop Shadow, then Inner Glow, then Bevel & Emboss and then Gradient Overlay and apply these settings:
After hitting Ok, this effect should come:
3. Now Pick Rectangular Marquee tool and select the left side of this shape like show below (we are going to make the Cap of this USB):
4. Now pick Move Tool (or just press V) and by using Shift and Left Arrow key, separate this part and move it away from it, like 50px or according to your desire):
5. Now Pick Rectangle Tool with Black color, draw a small rectangle like shown below:
6. Run the command Layer >> Layer Style >> Gradient Overlay and apply these styles:
7. Move this layer behind the Rounded Rectangle:
8. Now we are creating the Front of this USB, again pick Rectangle Tool and draw a rectangle behind the previous rectangle like show below:
9. Go to Layer >> Layer Style >> Gradient Overlay then Stroke and apply these layer styles:
After hitting Ok, this kind of effect should come:
10. Again by using Rectangle tool draw small rectangles like shown below:
11. Pick Line tool and draw two lines having 1 Px size and the following colors. #EDECEC for above line and #B1B1B1 for bottom line, it will give some realistic look:
12. After Zoom Out you will get this kind of effect:
13. Now I’m going to add some text on it, draw a Rectangle like shown below:
14. Go to Layer >> Layer Style >> Color Overlay, then Inner Glow and apply these styles:
This effect should come:
15. Now put your desire text over it and here is the Final Look of our USB in Photoshop Tutorial:
Thank u very very much
in persian : دمت خیلی خیلی گرم
Wonderful tutorial!
Thank you for this great tutorial! I’ve enjoyed it a lot. You did a great job.