What’s the point of running a business when people are not aware about it? You know that you are good at your work, you are capable of coming up with something perfect but if people do not know about it, it is completely useless. Reaching out to the world is very important if you want to be successful. Now, if we have to talk about a web traffic, the website should serve its purpose. If your site does not get any traffic, you have wasted your money and time on your website. People should know that you site exists and the only way to do this is to promote your website by making sure it appears in search engines.
If you want your website to have good rankings in search engines, you need to have good knowledge of SEO i.e., Search Engine Optimization. This helps you in getting a lot of hits and traffic by redirecting internet users towards your website. Also, you do not have to study hard or to be a professional in order to be good at SEO. If you have patience and if you are a quick learner, you can do it easily. It is very important for you to understand the importance of SEO in order to make your website a success.
Why is SEO the Best Way to Go ?
Let’s take a look at a few advantages of SEO:
1. Free of Cost:
Any marketing or promotional ideas can cost you a lot of money. The best thing about SEO is that it does not cost you any money. You do not have to spend a lot of dollars like you will have to if you are advertising on TV, newspaper or any other medium.
2. Increase in Traffic:
This is exactly why SEO has been invented, to increase traffic in your website. Since it will improve ranking of your website on search engines, more web traffic will be diverted towards your website.
3. Target Audience:
SEO will only redirect target audience towards your website i.e., the people who are actually interested in your website and its content and they won’t your waste time.
4. Global Advertising:
SEO is not a limited advertising and you can reach out to a large number of audiences. You can promote your website anywhere in the world unlike TV and newspaper which will limit you to local audience only.
Actually people are still not aware of SEO techniques, which is why they cannot see a significant boost in the traffic of their website. If you have a website you need to learn how to increase web traffic through search engines. The best thing about SEO is that anyone can do it and you do not have to be a professional.
A Basic Look into SEO:
SEO stands for search engine optimization and this is a very useful technique to get popular over search engines. Search engines are widely used all around the world and the search we do on Google or Yahoo is primarily based on following criteria:
1. Usage of keyword by the user.
2. Quality and quantity if back links page which is very important.
SEO is basically an optimization of your website which will place your website on top during web searches. Now, you need to understand optimizing here. You will choose certain keywords which will help your website in appearing at the top of search according to the keywords provided by you.
Tips to Get the Most out of SEO:
Now, that you have understood the importance of reaching out to your target audience, you need to learn a few tricks on techniques to get more search engine traffic. When it comes to SEO, the topic has varied fields but the two most important categories are on page optimization and off site optimization.
1 – General Navigation Trends:
A visitor needs a few seconds to analyze if he would want to stay on your website or not. He will check your website from top to bottom and left to right initially in order to decide if he wants to stay or leave your website. Keep the following things in mind while putting content on your website:
1. Your title and header text should contain targeted keywords.
2. Obviously, a visitor is on your website for a useful content so give them great lines to read.
3. Site navigation should not be on top or left side of your home page. It should be on right hand side.
4. Source of the page is one thing you cannot ignore. The visitors mostly follow the order given in source page so you can verify if the visitors are able to see the desired keywords before anything else.
2 – Keyword Oriented Domain Name:
Relevant keywords in your website’s domain can help you a lot in attracting visitors. So, use the best and relevant keywords in your site’s name so that users can relate to your website more. Selection of proper and popular hosting service is also a good idea.
3 – Optimize and Prioritize:
Every page has a different priority level. The targeted keyword should appear on the priority pages but this does not mean that you should ignore the no so important pages on your website. Also, you should not try to cheat the search engines and keywords should be used according to the context.
4 – Competitor Lookout:
There is nothing better than learning from your competition. Analyzing their targeted keywords and web traffic will help you a lot in making a good selection of keywords. Do visit their website and see what’s missing in your website.
5 – Naming the Images With Keywords:
Don’t name the images and thumbnails in a random manner. Adding your post’s keywords to the name of the image gives a very positive effect on the keywords.
6 –Homepage Linking:
When someone visits your website, he won’t be on the home page for sure so you need to provide clear directions of your website.
7 – Making a Sitemap:
Ranking procedure of websites on Google cannot be explained now but to be precise the reason why people visit Google is that it is easy to use so easy navigation of your website is very important. You can find plenty of website which can help you in creating a sitemap for your website.
8 – Adding .Txt File:
This file is in the root folder of your website and needs to be update don regular basis. This text file can be considered guidance for any search engine spider. It basically informs the spider that all the pages of the website are accessible and if you think any page needs restriction, disallow it by using “Disallow command”
9 – Don’t Quibble from the Main Theme of the Blog:
SEO is all about keywords and any search engines will rank your website high only if you have enough and good keywords. So the careful selection of keywords is way too important. Do update your website regularly with the fresh content as it will make it rank higher on Google or other search engines.
Final Thoughts:
The above mentioned tricks and techniques can help you a lot in increasing web traffic through search engines.
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