Creative writing has recently gained a lot of popularity and you will see that even a few celebrities are maintaining a blog. Creative writing is a great way to communicate with the audience but for that you need to reach out to the audience. Creating a blog is not enough as you need to promote it too in order to get traffic on your website and get heard. If you already have a blog, you must have learned the importance of Search Engine Optimization because it is the biggest way to divert traffic to your website from search engines. With the passage of time, people are becoming more and more aware of the importance of SEO which is why, designers, writers and marketers do have a basic knowledge of how SEO works. However, Fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization is a little different with creative writing in comparison to the other websites.
When it comes to creative writing a lot depends on the platform being used for the creative writing. Software like WordPress and others are a great example of posting blogs in an easy way. A few platforms might give you an option to post your blog directly through your browser. Also, with websites, you have full control over the coding which is not the case with blogs. Once you post a blog, the browser will generate a code for you and you will have less control on codes. The good news for writers is that now creative writing programs are being designed in a way where SEO has become more friendly and easy.
A writer should know Fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization for blog and should avoid following things while attempting to optimize search for their blog:
Easy To Remember URL:
I love reading blogs but in most cases I am unable to visit the blog again because of the difficult URLs. I have seen a lot of blogs where links contain random and special characters. For a common user, it is not easy to remember the exact link which is why they might not be able to visit the blog again. If you are aware of SEO basics, I am sure you do know that SEO is all about correct usage of Keywords. So, your link should contain relevant keywords as search engine will rank you according to the keywords used. So, make sure that your blog’s URL is easy to recall and contains some important keywords. Also, do not go for auto generated URLs.
Creative writing programs such as WordPress give you an option to select your own URL. So, make sure you select a creative writing program which gives you freedom instead of keeping you restricted with things.
Selecting the Right Platform:
Honestly, you can find yourself with hundreds of options when it comes to creating a blog. Your responsibility is to the select the right platform for your blog. In order to get your own CMS, you will need to have a lot of money and if you cannot afford it for now, you can go for other options available. The best ones would be WordPress, Joomla and Drupal.
Obviously, the selection will depend upon your requirements so make sure you do a wise selection as platforms can make a lot of difference to your creative writing.
Optimizing Your Page Title:
Titles, headings and sub headings are obviously of great importance in SEO and creative writing. As mentioned earlier, SEO is all about keywords in a way so, you need to be very vigilant about the page titles that you use. I have often seen writers ignoring the importance of page titles and leaving them as it is. You need to be very sensible with the selection of your page titles if you want your blog to get a good ranking on search engines.
Avoid Repetition of Content:
Search engines hate to see the same content again and again. Make sure your blog has the original content and the same content is not published on different pages of the blog. Same content on the same website or on multiple websites is something search engines dislike so you need to make sure that you do not become a victim of repetitive content. Writers have their own ways to avoid publishing duplicate content.
Robots.txt is one of the files which can be used by writers. This will guide search engine in order to ignore a few pages which not appear in search conducted by the user. WordPress is a great platform as well because it gives an option to control the appearance of the content.
Mega Magic of Meta Tags:
While designing a website, you have an option enter Meta tags. Meta tags are basically a set of keywords which will help your website in improving ranking on search engines. However, when it comes to creative writing, this function depends on the platform being used by you. WordPress allows its users to add Meta tags for their articles.
Sharing is Caring:
I am sure you must have heard this phrase a lot of times but when it comes to blog, it can prove to be fruitful for you. If you will have more and more inbound links, it means you have more chances of getting heavy traffic. Plus, it will help you in improving the ranking of your website on search engines. This means you are actually allowing the sharing of your blogs on other websites which will result into more popularity of your blog.
Make the Most of a Sitemap:
Search engines are making things convenient for them, which is why almost every other search engine has opted for sitemaps. Sitemaps helps them find relevant information in a better and quicker way. If we have to simplify it sitemaps are basically XML files which helps search engines in scanning the data of the websites to find the relevant information. Most of the creative writing platforms won’t offer the service of generating sitemaps. In such cases you can get Google sitemap generator plug in. This will also help search engines in identifying if your site has recently been updated. If yes, it will obviously improve your ranking and what else could you ask for as a writer.
Relate to the Related Posts:
Give your readers a chance and easy way to find the relevant posts on your blog instead of looking for them somewhere else. A lot of good and relevant information on the same blog will make a good impression of your blog on the user and he will prefer visiting your blog in future as well. This is a great way to attract loyal visitors.
A Wrap Up:
Creative writing can look like a very simple and easy task initially. Honestly, it is no rocket science but there are a few things which writers need to keep in mind in order to make their blog a hit and success among target audience Implementation of optimizations is a necessary thing which should be learnt by every writer. If you already have a blog, you can always incorporate the above mentioned things in your blog and improve the ranking. Remember, it’s never too late to make changes and see improvement in your blog. Also, never forget the main purpose of your blog which is to provide valuable information to the readers so value your readers.
Thanks for Sharing such a nice Article
Search engines have a single relatively easy task to do, and that employment is to find the most applicable articles on the world wide web for your search phrases. How they do that easy to understand position can get tricky and this content is only going to explore the very simple strategies you can make this job for your small business web site internet site.
Well… I must say this is very informative post, encompassing all the points that a writer should know about the search engine.
I believe the meta keyword tags are now being ignored by Google indexing (unless something has changed in the last couple of weeks) and the meta description tags are also likely ignored. They once were useful but as far as I know these contribute almost nothing to SEO today.
Useful points.
I dont think that meta tags have impact to seo any more