Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop – Photoshop Tutorial

Today we are going to make a tutorial in Photoshop in which we will be creating a Eastern style Dressing Table. It will be long tutorial but having a lot of things for you to learn. So let us make Dressing Table in Photoshop.

Final Result of Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop Tutorial:

1. Lets start with a new file in Photoshop of size 560 px width x 750 px height with RGB Color mode and 72 DPI resolution.

2. Now we will insert Guidelines for our convenience, first run the command View >> New Guide, write 30 px in the box and select Vertical:

and then hit OK. By repeating this command insert Vertical Guides at 120 px, 200 px,  280 px, 360 px, 440 px and 530 px position and then Horizontal Guides at, 20 px, 40 px, 60 px, 450 px and 470 px, so you should get these guides:

3. From the Layer Panel click on the Create New Group icon (at the bottom of Layer Panel) and rename it as Top Curve. Create new Layer and then pick Pen Tool  and click on the following spots:

Again pick Add Anchor Point  tool and click on the middle two spots:

While keep selecting both newly created nodes by holding shift key, press Shift+Up Arrow key twice, then right click on it and select Make Selection, give 0 in feather and then hit OK, fill it with any color and you will get this:

Now we require a Wooden Pattern to apply, I’m going to apply ‘Sue’s Wood Pattern Textures Set‘ which you can get from here. I’m going to apply the following Pattern:

4. Apply the following Layer Styles:

After hitting OK you will get this:

5. Press Ctrl+J to duplicate it and then press Ctrl+[ to move it behind the original and press Shift+Down Arrow once:

6. Again press Ctrl+J to duplicate it and then pick Rectangular Marquee  tool, goto Layer Panel and while holding Ctrl key click on the thumbnail of the layer, it will bring marquee around it, press Shift+Down Arrow once and hit Del key (it will delete the top 10px of the shape), press Ctrl+D to unselect, then pick Move Tool and press Shift+Down Arrow keys 4 times (it will move the shape down 40px), so you will get this:

7. Now right click on the name of any of these three shapes and select Copy Layer Style.

8. Now goto Layer Panel and click on Create a New Group icon, double click on newly created group and give it a name as ‘Left Piller’ (without quotes). Now pick Rounded Rectangle Tool  and from top Property Panel write 5px in Radius and click on Geometry Options list box,

Click Fixed Size and write 20px in W and 430 px in H and click on the stage at the following position:

8. Now right click on the name of this shape and select Paste Layer Style, it will apply the layer style of top Curves:

9. Now pick Ellipse Tool and draw an ellipse of size 20 x 20 px above the Rounded Rectangle strip but beneath that layer and Paste the layer Style:

10. Again pick Ellipse Tool  and now draw an ellipse of size 5 x 5 px this time above the previous circle, slight below and beneath that circle and Paste Layer styles over it too:

11. Pick Rounded Rectangle tool again, and draw a long rectangle of size 5px wide and 390 px height in the middle of the previous long Rounded Rectangle and fill it with #83412c color and apply the following Layer Style:

so you may get this:

12. As we have made this in a Group, so right click on the name of group and select Duplicate Group and rename it as Right Piller and move it towards the right side as:

13. Now go back to Top Curve group again (which is below the other two groups). Select the First Thick curve we made in the Step 3 above, press Ctrl+J to duplicate it and remove its Layer Properties and fill it with #5f2817 color so you will get:

14. Pick Custom Shape Tool and select Ring Shape and draw a ring and paste Layer Styles, rasterize this layer and erase the top extra part so you may get this:

15. Duplicate this ring towards left and right side as:

16. So by using Shape tool again and this time using Diamond shape and circles I’ve made this:

17. Now draw a rectangle of size 320 x 20 px size with #5f2817 color below every layers, so you should have:

18. Create a new group again and call it as Bottom Part. Draw a rectangle of size 500 x 5 px size and Paste Layer styles over it:

19. Now pick Rounded Rectangle  tool and give 15 in the Radius box in top property panel and draw a rectangle of size 530 x 50 px at the following position:

Rasterize this layer and just keep the top 10 px of this rounded rectangle and delete the lower part by selecting the bottom are with Rectangular Marquee Tool . Paste the layer style of this layer so you may get this:

20. Pick Rounded rectangle again and with 15px Radius, draw a rectangle of size 540 x 5 px, fill it with #070505 color and put it just under previously made half rounded rectangle as:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

21. Now draw a rectangle of size 500 x 230 px just above the Background layer having the color #2a0e05 as:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

22. Again take a new Group and rename it as Small Piller1, Pick rounded rectangle tool and draw a small rectangle of size 30 px wide and 5 px height and place it on the following position:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

23. You have to add some styles, and apply the following style over it:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

so you will get this:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

24. Duplicate this shape and move it 30px down. Now draw a circle in between these two shape but beneath them, and apply the following Style over it:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

so you will get this:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

25. Duplicate these shapes at the bottom of the brown shape as:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

26. Draw a rectangle of size 30 px wide and 160 px high in between these shapes:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

27. Apply the following layer style over it:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

you should have this:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

28. Now I’m going to make same thin rounded rectangle which I made above in Step 11 in 3 different sizes as:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

29. Duplicate this whole group 3 more times and move them towards right 155 px after each so you will distribute these equally as:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

30. I’m going to make a drawer, create new group from Layer Panel and rename it as Drawer1 and pick Rectangle Tool and draw a rectangle of size 115 x 35 px at the following location, no matter what color it has:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

Apply the following layer Styles over it:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

you should have this:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

31. For Handle you can use any shape as I’ve used this:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

31. Duplicate this group 2 more time and move them towards right side as:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

32. By using same technique and layer styles I’ve made the bottom 2 Dicky for left and right, as:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

33. In center part I want to show Gap/Space, so I’ve made the following shapes:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

34. Making using Pen Tool Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop make the foot like this:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

35. After pasting a picture in the mirror are, I’ve this final Easter Style Dressing Table in Photoshop, hopefully you have enjoyed this tutorial, looks a bit long but hopefully impressive for you:

Eastern Style Dressing Table in Photoshop

About The Author

Alfred Cuthbert

A professional Web/Graphic Designer, working as Freelancer since 2000. Designing is my passion, blogging is my hobby.

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1 Response

  1. Laurie Kirby says:

    I loved this tutorial. There is a lot of detail and that is important. Thanks for giving your time to put this tutorial on line.

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