January 12, 2025

Today we are going to make detailed Video MP3 player in Photoshop. This Photoshop tutorial will teach you the use of some Photoshop Tools like, Pen Tool, Gradient Tool, Eraser Tool, Ellipse Tool, Rounded Rectangle Tool, Rectangle Tool, Marquee Tools etc. and also some basic Photoshop Commands like, Layer Styles, Duplicate etc. You will also learn the use of Group in Layer Panels. So many thing to learn from this MP3 Player in Photoshop Tutorial.

Final Result of MP3 Player in Photoshop Tutorial:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop - Final Result

1. Lets start with a new file of the following size and settings in Photoshop:

2. Pick Rounded Rectangle tool  and by using 25px rounded corner, draw a rectangle of size 460 px x 350 px in the middle of stage, no matter what color it has:

3. Apply 1px inside Stroke to it having #454d50 color. Now press Ctrl+J to duplicate it. Goto Layer Panel and hold down Alt key and click in the middle of these two rounded rectangle layers. So newly copied rounded rectangle will mask inside the original rounded rectangle. Now apply the following layer properties (by running the command Layer >> Layer Styles) to newly copied rounded rectangle:

after hitting Ok, you will have this:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

4. Pick Rectangle Tool  and draw a rectangle having height 30px and width larger than the width of rounded rectangle and place it on the top of rounded rectangle as:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

5. Press Ctrl+[ and then Ctrl+] once so this Title bar will mask inside the Rounded rectangle, apply the following Layer Styles (by running the command Layer >> Layer Styles) over it:

After hitting OK you will have this:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

6. Pick Horizontal Type tool  and write your desire text toward left side of this Title bar, I’m going to write “MP3 Player by Stunningmesh.com” over it as:

7. Pick Ellipse tool  and draw a Circle having size 20px x 20px towards right side of the title and apply the following Layer Properties:

after hitting OK you will get this:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

8. Press Ctrl+J Twice to duplicate this circle and place towards right side as:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

9. Type – and x over left and right circles and make a small box by using Custom Shape Tool  over the middle circle having Black color and give them normal Shadow having white color as:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

you can add small dividers in between these circles by taking new layer and using Rectangular Marquee selection tool  as:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

10. Now we are going to make the Volume control towards the right side. First of all we will take a new Group from Layer Panel and will be making all the object inside it. So after taking New Group, Pick Rounded Rectangle tool  and by using 25px rounded corners, draw a rectangle of size 30px width and 240px height at the following location (no matter what color it has):

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

11. Apply the following Layer Styles over it:

After hitting Ok, you will get this:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

12. Press Ctrl+J to duplicate this Rounded rectangle and simply change the width of the Stroke to 5 and change the color to White, so you may have this:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

13. Create new Layer and by using Rectangle tool  make small lines having size 10px width and 1 px height with White color in the following locations (there is 10px gap in between these lines, I’ve reduced the opacity to 50%):

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

14. Pick Rectangle tool  and draw a rectangle having size 5px wide and 150px height in the middle of Volume control as:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

15. Draw another Small rectangle having size 20px wide and 10px high and apply any Layer Styles over it by using Styles Panel (i.e. Windows >> Styles):

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

16. Now I’ve made two circles of size 30px x 30px and applied simple Gradient over it and then written + and over it as shown below:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

17. As our Volume Control is complete now and as we have made all the objects in Group, so goto Layer Panel and Right click over the name of this group and select Duplicate Group and write the name “Equalizer“, hit Ok and then move the objects towards left side and delete all the objects from this group, but leave the Rounded Rectangles as shown below:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

18. Create new layer and draw white strips having size 20px width and 1 px height and having one pixel gap in between as shown below:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

19. Press Ctrl+T and right click over it and select Perspective, then hold the top left node and move it towards left in the center and then Hit Ok, so that you may have this shape:

20. Now I’m going to make Play/Pause button towards the right side, pick Ellipse Tool  and draw a circle of size 135px x 135px having any color as:

apply the following Gradient Overlay to it:

You will have Circle as:

21. Now I’ve made another circle over it, reduced the opacity to 25% and deleted the extra potion which is away from the Original Circle as:

22. Now I’ve made another Small circle of size 70px x 70px and applied simple Gradient over it with White Stroke as:

23. Now draw two black rectangles over it to show Pause button and apply Simple White Drop Shadow over it as:

24. By using same technique I’ve made Next and Previous buttons as:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

25. Here is some tricky part going to start. We are now going to make Track 1 2 and so on buttons. First Create new Group from Layer Panel and pick Rounded Rectangle tool and draw a rectangle having size 32px x 32px with 3px rounded corners, no matter what color it has and place it under Play/Pause button as:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

Apply the following Stroke over it:

After hitting OK you will have this:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

26. Draw another rounded rectangle but this time having the size 30px x 30px and apply the following Layer Styles over it:

you will have this:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

27. Now pick Pen tool and make the following selection over the button after taking new layer as:

Fill it with white color and run the command Filter >> Blur >> Gaussian Blur and give 3 and hit ok so you may have this:

Again by using same technique draw the following shape towards left side as:

Make the following selection by using Pen Tool  at the following location:

Pick Gradient Tool  and draw a Gradient (Black to Transparent) from Bottom to top as:

So after adding a small Shadow at the bottom and writing Text 1 over it we have have this:

28. As we have made this button in Group, so duplicate this group and place towards right and bottom and after changing the Numbers over it we have this:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

29. Now we are going to make some Control Buttons, first of all create another Group and draw a Rounded Rectangle of size 80px x 22px and apply the following Layer Styles over it:

you may have this after hitting OK:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

30. Put any icon over it so you will have this:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

31. Duplicate this button and place some different icons over other buttons so you should have this:

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop

32. I’ve taken a screenshot of a movie and place it towards the left empty space and after applying some Gradient Strokes and Drop Shadow effect we will have this final Video MP3 Player in Photoshop, hopefully you have enjoyed working on this tutorial and learn a lot from it. So I’ll be waiting for your work. You can drop your work to me on stunningmesh (at) yahoo dot com.

Detailed Video MP3 Player in Photoshop - Final Result

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