Starting a new website is no easy work. It requires a lot of hard work and a lot of dedication is put in this work. Building up templates and reforming them every once in a while takes a considerable time and effort of the designer. And it doesn’t stop here. Because once the process of setting up a website is complete, there comes the task of promoting and marketing it to increase the website’s search results. The purpose of setting up a website is incomplete without proper advertising of the website.
In our article today, we have taken up to tell you about some effective techniques to optimize website’s search results. These are the techniques which have been used by all the designers for a long time and have always given optimal results.
The Process is Quite Easy:
Developers readily find themselves clueless as to how to optimize search engines. First of all, they should understand that these techniques are nothing out of this world. You don’t have to fear Google; it’s just a computer system which works in a designed process to keep a check on the rankings. You just need to understand how this all works and once you do, you will be on your way to employ technique to attract loads of visitors.
I do understand that it can get a little overwhelming for a web designer and most of the times they confine themselves to just update the templates and look for the maintenance. But there can be a good many reasons why you would want to bring the ranking of your website to a certain level.
Importance of Search Engines:
The main purpose of launching a website is to bring traffic to it. Visitors on a website are like the lifeblood for keep the internet community going. If you give up on maintaining website for the visitors, the community will start drying up and without links of your website spread in various places; no one will be able to even find your website.
And here the usability of search engines starts functioning. The keywords that you use in your tags and headings will be the ones that will determine the content of you web for Google and others. In this way, even if you are not able to update your website, you can still have a few visitors through such search queries.
There are quite a few types of keywords you can use for search engine optimization. Two of them are long-term and short-term keyword searches. In long-term keywords, if you use such words which the user can enter into Google and your website springs up, for example ‘how to design a website’, the chances are that Google will allow your article a number 1 ranking.
Short-term keywords imply you entering words related to your article which you think are the ones that the user will enter to search. Like from the example above, you can have ‘website design’, ‘designing a website’ and ‘design website’ as your short-term keywords.
Optimization through Set Keywords:
It is a matter of just a short time that you can recognize the popular keywords. This task can be made easier with the use of Google Trends. This resource is amazingly helpful for people looking to see what the hot topics are currently. This list is updated by Google on a daily basis. You can also compare two or more graphs with this feature to have a better perspective of what to take up.
But using this feature, you should not get greedy as Google will figure that out sooner or later and it will do more harm than good. The best way is to limit your daily posts to 2-3 articles a day. Moreover, it cannot be stressed enough that your content should be original as Google is very specific about copied stuff and it will present a bad impression of your website.
Taking Easy the Rich Media:
Google is a powerful search engine with a lot of helpful features but the one thing it doesn’t support is the scanning and categorizing of the images. Here you can help Google make it better. Add an alternate text with images which helps to describe the image on websites who do not support images. These texts are then attached to keywords for images search queries. In this way, a user can reach your website through Google Images.
If you want the video content, YouTube is probably the best answer. Videos of different types can be embed from your website directly. Videos and clips add a huge lot of chances of more users coming to your website as the combination of writing and video presentation works the best.
Making Your Domain Credible:
It can happen that you try a good many techniques for search engine optimization but to little or no results in the rise of your rankings. This is not an uncommon thing and happens a lot. It is seen that Google can lower down the search results of your website because of your domain name and its quality.
A new website can be brought to the top ranking but there has to be put in a considerable effort for the website’s marketing. This may include creating profiles on all or most of the social networks like Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Digg and Tumblr. Adding Google Profile adds a considerable amount of credibility to your website link. Blog commenting is another effective technique to build you domain credibility.
Final Thoughts About Website’s Search Results:
To get Google notice your website and give it a high ranking requires effort put into marketing the website. The basic and the most effective techniques are easier than a webmaster would think but requires time and consistency. It is not a day’s work but if you keep putting your effort in it, you will start seeing results. Using a number of small techniques can add up to a lot and can increase your rankings and searches to a huge extent. Spend a little time on search engine optimization and you will surely find yourself in Google’s good books.