January 10, 2025
5 Blog Redesigning Horrors That Could Scare Every SEO

Every blogger’s wish to have a very nice theme for blog. That theme not only have an attractive interface but also to fulfill the need of SEO. After some time if they want Blog Redesigning, then they must have some points to keep in their mind before doing so. Here are some valuable tips for them.

What Has SEO Got to do with Blog Redesigning?

Well, SEO and design are different fields but they are interrelated. When we talk of SEO ready or Google friendly web design, we are not just referring to the content alone. It is the way the website is structured, the links are named and the flexibility in the design that affect the SEO big time.

It could be that your blog was designed in a search engine friendly manner and was ranking well, but when you got it redesigned, search engine traffic on your blog dropped. Don’t blame it all on the SEO guy. It could be because of the common redesigning horrors that resulted in the loss. Below are the five common redesigning horrors that could scare every SEO off.

1. Removal of the Most Popular Posts:

Blog Redesigning: Removal of the Most Popular Posts
Removal of the Most Popular Posts

A blog has many posts and while designing sometimes we may think that the post is no longer relevant or outdated so it is removed. But as a rule, old posts should never be deleted. The particular post might not be relevant but may still be getting lot of traffic to the blog.

It is very probable that people who come to the blog through this post will read the other posts on the blog as well. Moreover, the older the posts better are the chances of them being bookmarked or shared through social media websites.

In any case, if the post needs to be removed, 301 redirects should be used so that the visitor does not reach a dead end and finds some relevant content.

2. Modifying Content Ignoring the Researched Keywords:

Modifying Content Ignoring the Researched Keywords
Modifying Content Ignoring the Researched Keywords

Another Blog Redesigning Horror is as Keywords are the most important elements of SEO. If the blog is optimized, the content must be written in such a manner so as to include the important keywords. The keywords need to be included not only the text on the blog but the title and meta-tag in order to get more eyeballs (both visitors and search engine crawlers).

3. Little or No Scope for Text:

Blog Redesigning: Little or No Scope for Text
Little or No Scope for Text

From SEO perspective, it is important to have some text on the page especially on the first half of the page. These days Flash pages are very common and sometimes, the design leaves little scope for any text. This should be avoided if you are looking for organic search engine traffic.

4. High Loading Time:

High Loading Time
High Loading Time

No matter how good the website is, the visitor does not always have the patience to wait for it to load. Sometimes, designers get carried away in building image based designs that look beautiful but are hardly viewed because the impatient visitors often leave before it loads. Both Google and Bing have webmaster tools that allow you to keep a track of the loading speed of your blog. Keep it as small as possible.

5. Change in URLs:

Change in URLs
Change in URLs

If a website is redesigned and URLs are changed a proper mapping should be done and 301 redirects should be used everywhere. It happens so that the folder structure is changed. If the new blog is designed using some other technology then file extensions are changed. All this should be handled so as to keep the visitor unaware of the changes happening at the design level.

By avoiding these common issues, blog redesigning would reap positive benefits and not affect the SEO of the blog negatively. Redesign the blog to meet the expectations of your subscribers and keep the blog up to date with the latest technology. With some precautions taken, this would indeed help your blog gain reputation and even more popularity.

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