If you have a home or building with sash windows, then you will need to know some important steps to ensure that the maintenance for these windows are done routinely and properly. These, when working properly and looking their best, can add a lot of value to a home as they often tell a story of historic significance.
Originality of the Glass:
If you are wondering if your sash windows are the original ones that came with the home you can always check the glass as this is generally how to tell in this situation. There are a lot of elements to old, original sash window glass such as tiny seeds or air bubbles along with ripples or waves that will allow you to tell if these windows are the original. While many may feel the need to replace the old glass in the windows because of these marks or blemishes, the need to replace them is certainly not going to give a better thermal performance or look with new glass. This is why it is important that proper steps are taken to ensure that the glass on the windows are well maintained.
Every element of a sash window can be either repaired or replaced, giving them the ability to last many lifetimes over. Sash windows are designed to be renovated every 15 years so if you have been at your residence for this long or if you have purchased a residence where the sash windows look like they have been abused, then it is vital that you begin to renovation work as soon as possible.
Essential Maintenance:
The essential maintenance that you can expect an expert sash window repair contractor to come in and perform for you would be drought sealing which could help with energy cost, noise, and rattling. Other essential repairs to have your old sash windows fully services could consist of the taking apart, eased, and adjustment of windows that may be out of alignment and have them re-aligned. Sash windows could also be re-corded which could make them work properly again. All of these necessary repairs could be performed on the spot by an expert in sash window repair and renovation.
By having your windows working as they should, you will quickly realize the benefits of properly working sash windows in your home. By allowing both the bottom and top of the windows to fully function again, your home could remain cooler during the warm months of the summer. Also by having the windows properly maintained, you will realize the benefits of having them drought proofed during the winter months as you will no longer be letting warm air seep through the gaps in the windows, thus keeping in the warm air.
If you are considering replacing your old sash windows you may want to consider a few factors before you take that step. Sash windows have great history to them and add both beauty and value to your home. Removing them would diminish the value of your home greatly and will cost a lot of money in the process.ย Sash windows can always be restored no matter how much they have deteriorated over the years. Finding the right company to handle your maintenance needs for your sash windows will not be a difficult task as there are many great, courteous professionals available for your needs.
Sash windows do look great when they’re just installed or looked after properly. It’s a shame to see these glorious windows go to ruin though.
Not always due to neglect, but often due to the fact that the owners just don’t know how to keep them looking their best.
Nice to find this article giving some great advice on how to keep them looking their best.
Thank you for all of the information you have provided this really helped me out. I will keep this in mind.