The various elements of a creative marketing and design program are essential when it comes to achieving success. Effectively designed websites as well as marketing materials and campaigns are the primary tools that businesses use to get the word out about their products or services. The following marketing and design tips have a history of bringing success to the people and companies that employ them.
Get Branded:

Before any website is launched or printed media is mailed, it’s essential to have a brand—a unique brand that establishes the product/company’s name and associated image. Popular brands like Coco-Cola, Nabisco, and Starbucks are instantly recognizable and this instant recognition is successful feature of brands. The brand will attract customers and become the recognizable symbol of who the company is or what they’re selling. Ideally, it’s a good idea to spend time and money to get the right brand; changing the brand down the road can be confusing for customers who rely on consistent images to find the companies and products they are searching for.
Finger Lickin’ Good—Memorable Slogans:
Yes—you need a great slogan to achieve success. Popular slogans are ingrained in people’s heads. Think “good to the last drop (Maxwell House Coffee)” or “Snap, Crackle, Pop (Rice Crispies Cereal) as some historic winning slogans. A creative slogan should immediately grab attention. When people subsequently hear the slogan, they should instantly recall the brand associated with it for that slogan to truly be effective.
Savvy Website & Content:

While a website should be simple and easy to navigate, it should also provide the information people need to understand the company and its products or services. Today’s sophisticated websites rely on large, captivating imagery and uncluttered landing pages to attract positive notice. Website content should be clear and useful; content might explain the company’s products in-depth or demonstrate why these products are necessary and useful to customers or clients.
A 10 in the Looks Department:

The look of the marketing materials should complement the company and its products or services. While people love to look at beautiful design schemes, beauty might not be the right look for a medical supplies company, for example. Instead, such a company must rely upon a design that intimates its integrity, reliability, and performance. Whatever the company or its services, the marketing design should attract notice in a way that supports the company and its purpose.
Share the Content:

Social icons and RSS feeds are effective marketing tools that allow the broadcasting of a company’s content. The social icons are recognizable by throngs of internet users. When customers click on social icons or RSS feed, they should be presented with valuable content or experience something interactive that relates to the company or its products. In this way, these links provide additional avenues for companies to market themselves.
Install a Strong Call to Action:

Websites need to direct viewers where to click and simultaneously inform them—as briefly as possible—why to click. Saying “click here” isn’t as strong as “shop now,” for instance. These little clickable messages draw potential clients or customers deeper into the site and allow companies to better direct clients to core information.
Harmonized Marketing Collateral:

Be sure your marketing collateral—white papers, website, brochures, fliers, sales presentation materials, etc…is all consistent. These materials constitute the core of a marketing campaign, so each marketing piece should complement and support another.
By employing these marketing and design steps creatively, companies are likely to see increased success. Attention to online marketing is especially key as more and more people look to the internet instead of their mailboxes to find out about companies and products. In any case, all marketing materials, print or virtual, need to employ the best practices in marketing and design to effectively support their companies and products.