There are plenty of items we keep in our homes to enhance our appearance as well as our convenience. Although home tanning beds may be a larger investment than hair curlers and facial products, it can save avid tanners a great deal of time and money in the long run. Not to mention, a tanning bed would make your house a hot-spot (literally) for all of your closest friends and family members. If you’re still debating on whether or not to include this convenient luxury item in your home, consider the following answers to your questions.
How Will a Home Tanning Bed Benefit Me?
Before addressing the logistics of how you would go about the process of installing a tanning bed in your home, you’ll want to determine why you should get one in the first place. For those who have constantly shoveled out money for tanning memberships, driven to the tanning salon every day to make those memberships worth it, and worried about contracting a skin fungus from sharing a bed with so many other people, the benefits are obvious. A home tanning bed would eliminate all of these disadvantages of public beds, while adding a little more luxury to your life.
Where Would I Put It?
The average tanning bed can run pretty large, so you’ll want to make sure your home has plenty of room for this device. Make sure to measure each plausible room to see which would be best-suited for the bed of your choice. Many manufacturers and suppliers require complete measurements before making a sale. Also, make sure the floor in the room you’re considering is sturdy and needs no urgent repairs.
Most tanning beds will contain between 16 and 32 bulbs. If you are larger in stature and/or more than six feet tall, you will want to shoot for a minimum of 28 bulbs. Speaking of bulbs, you will want to consider electrical wiring accessibility in the room to ensure an effective installation process. Finally, take privacy into consideration when choosing the proper location for your tanning bed. Avoid putting it somewhere where housemates and guests frequent to ensure a comfortable, private experience.
How Much Should I Expect to Pay?
You can expect to pay anywhere between $1,200 and $2,000 for a quality tanning bed. In addition to the cost of the bed itself, you will also want to calculate how much your electricity bill will increase with regular use of the bed. Although these costs may initially seem high, it should be compared with the money you pay now to attend the tanning bed and how long you expect to continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Remember to calculate the cost of gas when determining how much you spend on tanning in an average year. If the figure you come to is even half of the cost of a tanning bed, it is probably more financially prudent to invest in this device.
Once you begin enjoying the convenience of having your very own home tanning bed, you will likely start to see the benefits of a home spa as well. Many of the devices you use at salons and other beauty centers can actually be purchased for a relatively low price, which would save you money for the long-term. To make your home a true haven of relaxation and ultimate convenience, consider installing a home tanning bed to add more luxury to your life.