When it comes to business world, power of testimonials are definitely a perfect marketing tool. Although, many businessmen do not give testimonials the importance they deserve but if used effectively, testimonials can be a great way to market yourself and reach out to your target audience. People might not believe what you say about your services because no one will bad mouth himself. However, someone else praising you on your website can convince readers to go for your product. Obviously, someone else praising your services will be much more persuasive.
Let’s be very honest about a few things. Customers nowadays are way too skeptical because of so many false promises being made by the products. If you have a few testimonials written on your website, you are giving new customers a reason to trust your product because no one will hear you tooting your own horn but yes, if someone else is praising you, it will definitely affect their approach. If you want to improve your credibility, request and use testimonials from clients effectively. Now, all testimonials are not supposed to be displayed because not all of them will have the same impact. Today, we will discuss how to get outstanding testimonials from clients and then use them for marketing.
A single testimonial will have enough convincing power to attract more clients towards your products/services. Testimonials will basically demolish the distrust factor among new users. Referrals from a common man can do wonders for you. Also, one of the best advantages of testimonials is that they create customer loyalty. Obviously, when a person has gone on the record to praise your product, he will stay true to your product to respect his word of mouth as well.
Strategies to Request Strong Testimonials:
Requesting testimonial in a right way is indeed very important. Asking your customer to write a testimonial for you just like that can look desperate and can get annoying for customer as well. Instead of asking them to write a testimonial, try getting feedback from them after they have availed your services or bought a product of yours. Sometimes, not using the word testimonial should be your strategy. People find giving feedback more easy and convenient as testimonials common perception is that you only have to write positive things about the product.
While you are preparing to ask for a testimonial or feedback, make sure you are well prepared with the questions. Also, you should inform client that their feedback is really important and it will help you in improving your services.
Asking for Permission:
Never ever use your client’s testimonial without taking his/her permission. If someone has said good things about you, ask for their permission and tell them that you would like to use their testimonial for marketing purposes. If you client allows, you should add their contact information as well to make the testimonial look more authentic.
Tips to Extract Strong Testimonial from Your Clients:
If you want to use testimonials for marketing purposes, simple feedback won’t help. You should work hard on getting powerful and strong testimonials so that they can attract new clients as well. Following strategies will help you in getting some strong testimonials that can help you a lot in building trusts of potential clients.
- As soon as someone purchases your product or avail your service, put your testimonial request in front of them. At that time, client is the satisfied with your work and will happily write a great testimonial for you. If you will wait till a month or so, he will be over your good services and might not praise you enough.
- You can always guide your client regarding writing a testimonial. When a client is writing, do ask him to mention your USP in the testimonial. Your customer might have found the USPs on his own or you can always tell him and he can go on the record by praising them in the testimonial.
- Instead of getting into a lot of details, ask your customer to be more specific and precise about your good services. No one will read long paragraphs so precise testimonials will get more attention.
- Do ask your customers to mention their credentials as this will make the testimonial look more authentic.
- Instead of uploading a random picture with the testimonial, try getting a personalized picture of client with your product and upload it with the testimonial. This will bring a life to your testimonial.
- As mentioned earlier, getting permission from your client is very important before publishing their testimonial.
- If a customer is not willing to write testimonial, do call him once or twice to inform him that he is one of your important clients and his testimonial means a lot to you. This will definitely make them write a good testimonial for you.
Using Testimonials Efficiently:
Now that you have some powerful written testimonials with you, make sure you use them in an effective manner. Following are a few ways to use testimonials in an efficient manner:
Placing Testimonials on Your Website:
Your own website is one of the best places to put your testimonial. Also, when you are putting the testimonials, make sure you select the right place for them. Homepage is the best place for including strong testimonials so while your designer is working on your website, tell your designer to design the testimonials area in a way that they stands out.
Video Testimonials:
In case you want to grab instant attention of your potential clients, try getting and uploading video testimonials on your website. They look more authentic, reliable and will sure attract a lot of wanted attention.
Include them in Your Newsletter:
You obviously send newsletter to your clients or potential clients on weekly basis to stay connected with them and keep them informed. Including testimonials in newsletter is one of the most effective ways to use your powerful testimonials. You do not have to include all testimonials in one newsletter. Save one for each week and this will constantly remind your old, new potential clients about how great your services are. However, do not overdo your promotion by adding testimonials with too much of appreciation. Best testimonial is the one which praises you and also has information regarding your services.
Social Networking Websites:
You should add testimonials anywhere you can. Apart from adding them on your website, you should add them on your Facebook fan page, twitter page, LinkedIn page and all other social networking platforms. You should leave no stone unturned. Try your level best to reach out to as many people as you can in order to promote your services.
Testimonials are a great way to win the trust of your audience. Make sure you do not lose out on a single good client and get a testimonial from each of them. You will be thankful for collecting these testimonials. Testimonials are way too valuable and a great marketing tool so in any case ask your clients to write a testimonial for you and if you have provided good services, you should not worry about how what they will write as it is sure to be good.