WordPress Security - Some Essential Tips For You To Take

WordPress Security has become the talk of blog and website owners. Hackers are in constant search of websites to hamper its security. They have firsthand information of all the advanced methods to break into a website. So what measures are you taking to prevent your site from being hacked? Generally, protecting your WordPress site is quite simple if you pay attention to the following things.

Default User Name:

How do you login to your WordPress site? Do you use the default user name? This is the biggest mistake that needs to be avoided. The WordPress is an open platform, so tracking the default user name is easy for hackers. If you are using the default “admin” as your user name change it by following the easy instructions mentioned below.

  • Login to your Admin WordPress account
  • Click on the “Users” menu and select “Add new”
  • Feed in the data required to create a new account
  • Push the “Add User” knob
  • Logout of the account and login using the new username
  • Select “Users” from the menu and delete the default username
  • Make sure to choose “Attribute all posts and links to” from the drop-down box and link it to your new username.
  • Select the “Confirm Deletion” button so that the default username gets deleted forever.

Now your new username is ready to use.

WordPress Security

Strong Password:

Maintaining strong passwords has been reiterated time and again. Hackers trace your password using the generator tool. Many people use poor passwords like 123, abc or they use their names and surnames which can be easily tracked. The 12 character password should be a mixture of upper case and lower case letters combined with numbers. The best way to protect your password is to use different passwords for different logins.


How many of you update the theme and plug-ins on your WordPress site? I guess most of you would say no. When you make an update, it conveys that you are paying close attention to the security of your WordPress site. An update is made to improve the features and check any security loopholes in the previous versions. The plug-ins, themes and WordPress need to be updated regularly.

Deny Access:

Most of the site owners forget to disable access to WordPress directories. This can do great harm to your site, if the hacker gets access to the plug-in directory. The version and name of your plug-in can be easily tracked through which your site can be controlled. This Directory traversal can be easily blocked by loading a blank HTML file to the plug-in directory.

Security Plug-in:

Installing security plug-ins is the best method to block any loophole in the site. Bulletproof Security plug-ins can be used to protect your site against hacking. It also allows you to switch between various levels of security. Secure WordPress plug-ins provides instructions of things that must be done after the WordPress installation. Delete the unused plug-ins including the ones that are deactivated. There are high chances of them containing malicious codes.

Above all, remember to have a backup of your WordPress site. Forget about the manual updates and choose the WP backup service that works by default. Services like BlogVault, Backup Buddy and VaultPress permit you to save a backup of your WordPress site on a secure server. Follow these simple steps which provide first-rate WordPress security to your site. Happy WordPressing!

About The Author

1 thought on “WordPress Security: Some Essential Tips For You To Take

  1. Great post! WordPress security is a critical aspect often overlooked by many site owners. The tips shared here, especially about keeping themes and plugins updated and using strong passwords, are essential for protecting against potential threats. A secure website not only safeguards data but also boosts user trust. Thanks for sharing these valuable insights!

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