Some posts make you laugh; some make you think about certain issues while others give you insights on stuff you’re not so knowledgeable about. Headlines represents in Search Engines, in email and on Social media. Your blog is also a great way to roll-out company-related updates that matter to your customers. As a blogger, you have to constantly find new and effective ways to enhance your blog content if you want to remain relevant in your niche. Here are 10 Tips about Blogging Essentials, beginners should never miss if they want to survive in Blogging Field.
Unfortunately, some are just plain boring or nonsensical that you wonder what the author was thinking when they wrote their posts.
1. Write a Strong Headline:
Headlines give your readers a glimpse of what your post is about. If it’s not a catchy headline, your post may not get a second look.
While you’re at it, write a headline that is strongly related to your content and not just a bunch of words that you know will grab the attention of your reader but are in no way related to what you really wrote about.
2. It’s not Just What you Say but How You Say It:
First of all, be careful about the tone that you use in your posts. The tone employed in your posts is very influential in how your readers will react to what you’ve just written.
In a word, employing the right tone is more likely to get the kind of reaction that you were aiming for when you wrote your piece.
Note: A reader’s negative reaction to just one post poses the risk of him never returning to your blog ever again.
3. Take note of memes.
There are websites that provide meme-tracking services for free:
You should make full use of these sites. A meme-tracking program will give you an idea of what’s being talked about online: the hottest topics, videos or posts that are making the rounds online, all over the world. Pick one or two that you can write about. Be careful not to write anything that’s not truthful even if it’s popular online. It’s okay to jump on the bandwagon, just be choosy about which wagon you’d like to hitch a ride in.
4. Write Within a Deadline:
Don’t take too long writing your posts because the longer you take writing them, the higher the chances of these becoming irrelevant already. Strike while the topics are hot. If you write about a trending topic today, the following week, a lot more other bloggers may have already written about them which means readers might have had enough of them by the time you publish your post.
5. Search Engine Optimization:
Use keywords or key phrases in your posts so that they have better chances of appearing in search engine results. Be careful not to use these so many times in one post because search engines might think you are spamming which will then translate to your post being eliminated from the search engine’s results.
6. Tag it!
Before you publish your post, add tags. It will only take a couple of seconds so don’t be lazy about it. What do tags do anyway?
Tags are one way to put similar posts together. For instance, if you’re talking about a specific personality, use that person’s name as a tag and all other posts related to Mr. Personality will be grouped together making it easier for your readers to search for related content on your blog.
7. RSS Feed:
Put an RSS Feed button on your blog. You can download this for free or you can also check if your blog provider has this in their list of applications. This button will give your readers the option to get “feeds” regarding new posts and/or updates on your blog.
This way, even if your readers do not visit your blog, the minute you write something new, they will be notified about it and they can then check out what you’ve just written.
8. Blogrolling:
Blogrolling means you include a link of other blogs to your own blog. These could be blogs that are similar to yours or blogs that you are interested in.
You may ask the blog owners if they can add a link of their blog to your blog and by doing so, they might just reciprocate the good deed and add a link to yours on their blog.
9. Socialize Online: Bookmark It!
In the online social context, bookmarking and networking are two different advertising processes.
Bookmarking basically entails signing-up for bookmarking sites and submitting your blog address to the sites.
You add their bookmarking buttons on your posts so readers can submit specific posts which will hopefully give you more traffic.
10. Socialize Online: Network It!
Networking is different because this requires your manual input in social networking sites. The more you actively advertise your posts, the higher the possibility of getting more traffic to your blog.