January 10, 2025
How to Attract More Eyeballs Towards Your RSS Feed

A newsletter can help bring people back to the site but there is something more that you would want to have people link to your site and that is where RSS comes to use. RSS Feed is amazing because every new post you put on your blog will be sent automatically to all of your subscribers, a number of people will come to check the post and it will generate you traffic. RSS is important for another thing; even if you are not listed on the search engines, RSS will help bring traffic to your site. The only thing you need in this regard is a healthy amount of RSS subscribers.

If a site is getting thousands of visitors every month, you can be sure that it has a lot of recurring visitors. Search traffic can bring you a good amount of traffic but the real deal is dependent on the number of pages you have of your blog. Given other factors remain constant, a site that has 1000 pages has as much the possibility of traffic as compared to a site having 100 pages and that is why recurring traffic is important.

RSS Feed

And now the question: how do I get RSS subscribers for my blog in the first place? In our post today, we have aimed to help you with just the thing. We have come up with some methods that are tried and tested to add to your RSS subscribers. So look through these points, use them up and hopefully they will be leading you towards a healthy traffic for your site.

A Prominent Spot for Subscription and RSS Icon:

Your blog should have a prominent place for the RSS icon and it’s important that your users can see the subscription details clearly as soon as they see your page. Most blogs adopt the policy of putting the RSS icon at the top of the sidebar as that is the spot a user is bound to notice as soon as he enters your page. Also, it makes the icon appear at the top of the page and the reader doesn’t have to scroll down to the end of the page to find the icon. Moreover, the subscription information has to be on every page as the users don’t go the homepage of your site every time.

Use Ping for the Search Engines:

Blogs have one major advantage over a regular website, that is, blogs gets indexed more quickly in the search engines than other websites. And now that you own a blog, you can ping the search engines to keep them in the loop. Again, there are a number of pinging services out there on the internet. You can use any one of them to ping the search engines every time you add a new post to your blog. This is an automatic notification to the search engines and that eventually means that you will be getting more subscribers and more traffic to your blog.

Add a Subscription Option for Every Post:

One of the steps that you can take to bring subscribers to your blog is to ask your visitors to subscribe. Such example of asking your visitors can be as simple as incorporating a line in your post to subscribe to you RSS feed. If you have put up quality content on your post, you can be sure many of the readers will subscribe. You can make a blog template with two or three variations of the same text and add it to each of your post. Moreover, you can also add the option of email subscription as some users would also prefer that.

Guest Post for Other Blogs:

Writing as a guest writer for other blogs is always a wise move to reach out to a large number of readers who can become your potential subscribers as the quality content you have provided will direct them to see how you are doing on your own blog. Make sure you are giving original content to the blog where you are guest posting and it has a similar audience as yours.

Comment to Get Yourself Noticed:

You can’t expect to get traffic to your blog if you are passive in your activities in the blogging community.  Get to know what other bloggers are doing and comment on their posts. Make sure those comments are of value; ask questions, share your honest opinion and you’ll be surprised how many readers click-through to your blog through those comments. These readers also included the bloggers themselves. You just have to make sure that your comments are genuine and you can be sure they will look impressive.

Make Use of the Social Media:

Readers like to know what’s new on the social media and so if your posts can find a place on such social media websites, you will have a lot of chances to get hefty traffic. There are so many famous social media sites which are filled with content and visitors. You can make use of any or all of them to get visitors to your blog. Each of such social media sites have a different kind of audience so each one can cater to a number of audience type coming to your blog. Research a little about the kind of audience you want and become a regular there.

Add Giveaways to Your Blog to Attract Visitors:

Although giving away free stuff on your website is not a new tactic but it still works. You can put downloadable products on your website and that too something of value that your readers would want. When readers would know that they can actually get something from your website, they would want to stay in the loop with what new stuff you are offering and they most likely would want to subscribe to your blog. This is a great option considering its suitable for all kinds of markets or industry.

The Wrap Up:

Google has adopted the policy to check the number of RSS subscribers that a website has as it shows that the posts in the site has quality content which is the main reason why anyone would want to subscribe to a site. In fact, Google’s search algorithm has RSS count as one of their ranking signals.

Once you have started using these above mentioned methods to gain subscribers for your site, the next step will be to use the Feed burner so that you can report to Google about your RSS count and appear on the search engines for double traffic. Just like any other step that you take to develop your site, you will have to be patient for gaining a good many number of RSS subscribers as well. And once you have a healthy following, you can move on to bigger elements of making money from your site.

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