January 12, 2025

No matter whether you are a beginner or an expert, you just can’t ignore the importance of having WordPress as your main blogging platform. With all the functionality and a superb graphical user interface, WordPress continues to be the most popular blogging platform across the globe today. If you are stuck anywhere else for a while, are not happy with the CMS or functionality, you are never late to migrate to WordPress. The platform itself is very user friendly and gives you a lot of freedom to customize. Moreover the plug in available for WordPress is virtually endless. You get the WordPress Blogging plugins for almost all your needs that the blog must have.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know what a blog plug in is. Actually it is a set of scripts that runs on the server to improve the functionality of your blog. Here is a compilation of 10 most productive and popular WordPress plug ins that you can get right now on the blog-o-sphere.

WordPress Blogging Plugins

1. “All In One SEO Pack” a plug in  by Automatti –

This plug is just perfect for applying the basic SEO for your blog.

2.  “Bookmark Export” a plug in  by Timo Schlueter –

This plugin helps you put the blog status, import/export your blogs and lets us interact with social media platforms easily.

3.  “The Disqus Comments” a plug in by Disqus –

The Disqus comment is currently one of the most popular content sharing and commenting medium for the blogs out there on the market.

4. “Facebook Comments” a plug in by James Low –

This WordPress plugin a stiff competitor of the disqus gets the Facebook comments feed from your Facebook pages and profile and puts them on the blog. Really an efficient and amazing Plug in!

5.  “Keyword Strategy” an Internal Links plug in by Keyword Strategy –

This plug in is excellent for applying the on page SEO for your WordPress blog.

6. “Pinterest Badge” a plug in by Arun –

This plug in is pretty cool and adds a pinterest marker widget to your blog.

7.  “SEO Slugs” a plug in by Andrei –

Yet another SEO friendly plug in. It is known to improve the text SEO performance of a blog in the search engine algorithms.

8.” Shareaholic” a plug in by Shareaholic –

This plug in an excellent way to organize your blog contents according to the W3C guidelines as it makes an XHTML compatible list of social bookmarking directories and icons to each of the blog’s posts.

9.  “Ultimate Follow Me” a plug in by The Free Blog-Factory:

This WordPress plug in is the ultimate sharing plug in among the WordPress Blogging Plugins.

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