Whether you’re a web designer or a website owner, keeping a balance between aesthetic appeal and site usability is crucial. Simply having Fantastic Web Design does not imply increased traffic. Visitors need to feel comfortable navigating the various pages, as well.
Here are a few tips and tricks that will see you end up with a smashingly designed website.
Keep it Simple:
There is nothing worse than designing a site that is intricate. You don’t need a host of technical tricks to have a great website. Elements that fit in with the nature of your site should be incorporated into the design. Everything else should go out of the window. Less is always more when it comes to web design. If your site takes ages to load (because you’ve stuffed it with unnecessary elements) then you can say bye-bye to a number of visitors.
Avoid Content Overkill:
A large number of website owners make this problem, unknowingly. More content doesn’t mean people will be flocking to your site. When your web pages are overflowing with text and visuals, it could actually drive visitors away. You have less than five seconds to hold the attention of a viewer; recognize your niche, put in short attractive content, and see where that takes you.
Responsive Fantastic Web Design:
More and more people are turning away from PCs in favor of their mobile devices. This means that quite a few individuals will visit your site from their smartphone or tablet. Will your site stand the test? An important element of modern web design is having a site that changes according to the device it is being viewed on. This takes place automatically, thanks to responsive design. As the mobile and tablet market reaches for the stars, make sure your site is ready to adapt to various devices.
Uniqueness is Hard, But Important:
Have you noticed how Coca-Cola or Nike logos are recognized all over the world? They’ve managed to build up an image based on a unique logo and years of advertising. If you apply the same to the web world, you could make your site stand out. Check out your competitors’ sites and stay away from any design elements they have used. This way you are on the right path to designing something outstanding and completely different.
If you’ve identified your niche and are all set to create a rocking website, always keep some space for innovation. Rope in a few collaborating designers from a connected field and run your ideas through them. This could open a completely new avenue of thoughts and ideas that one could incorporate into the design. Collaborators are the right way to go.
These five ideas could help you churn out a site that is nothing like anything out there. Considering the fact that websites are born on an hourly basis on the Web, your design could easily be lost in the mob. It’s all about staying afloat by designing something new.
The best designers today need to be on top of their game at all times. Designing a website is not a straightforward task any longer, and a lot of creative thinking needs to go into it. One moment of brilliance could be all you need to have the next best site on the Internet.