WordPress is indeed the most preferred platform to develop dynamic and highly functional websites, but WordPress themes are even more like able by those who seek stunning web pages. New Year 2013 has finally arrived and with this New Year web masters are seeking several transformations in WordPress themes. Here’s an overview of some of the top trends in WordPress themes to make your website exceedingly robust and vibrant.
Let’s take a look at the WordPress themes trend for the year 2013:
Increased Regularity & Enhanced Plug-in Integration:
WordPress possesses an array of the most functional and enticing plug-ins and with the time these plug-ins have gained the status of being the genuine plug-ins for the selected domain. Certain plug-ins like WooSEO are making a good move by identifying the ridiculous custom search engine optimization code in the WordPress theme and correcting it in order to make it simple and more functional. This trend is highly acceptable and more such plug-ins should be introduced in the WordPress themes in order to give regularity to the web pages.
JavaScript to be Used in a Better Way:
JavaScript is a nice way to add value to the WordPress theme, but theme designers should make use of it carefully without overdoing it. jQuery possesses a high value itself and by adding transition effects and slider plug-ins, sometimes developers add more weight to the web page that looks ludicrous. For a WordPress development company, it is essential to determine the effect of any new plug-in over the user’s working experience over the website and the overall performance of the website.
Great Working Themes:
Usually, a website owner purchases a WordPress theme after checking out the demo page performance, but it is quite devastating when the website after demo page breaks and does not contain any functional plug-ins etc. Theme developers should do more efforts in 2013 to create WordPress themes that work marvelously as soon as the demo page loads. Mobile applications are good examples for theme designers as these applications offer a great work experience without any break.
Special Theme Designs:
In 2013, the theme developers should think about something that is more alluring for the users. It is better, if the themes are designed with calculated number of plug-ins and functionalities so the users do not find the task of combining the website pieces hectic. It is understood that developers wish to lure more customers by keeping their themes available with an array of options, but they should also think from user’s perspective and give them minimal job of creating a website.
No Short Codes Please!
The use of short codes within WordPress themes is a passe and it should be avoided in the year 2013. To edit the text within the website, the WordPress designers should use better editors like WYSIWYG instead of using short code. WordPress customization is a process that can make your existing website even more stunning or can create a whole new website from scratch. The WordPress developers do a thorough research on your website and understand the basic as well as complex aspects of the web pages and give a unique design and payout for the entire website. There are several WordPress website development companies that work with effective team of developers who first check out your website map, content of the website, deigning, theme etc. and then suggest some of the best possible ways to enhance the visibility and overall look and feel of the website.
WordPress customization is also good in terms of evolving web trends such as responsive website designing because the tool has all types of themes and technical resources that can make your business as well as personal website the top selling brand in the online world.
WordPress themes are going to rule the roost in 2013 and by following certain rules, the theme designers can avoid fluffs and mistakes this year. The website themes can be developed more correctly and effectively by using creativity and personal thoughts rather than making the stuff more technical.