Terrific Web Designing Tools That Will Bang 2013

The year 2012 has brought a remarkable number of web design trends. From this point of view, 2013 seems to be as promising as 2012. There have already appeared countless design trends, and many of them are seen as favorable ideas by designers. However, every person is entitled to their own opinion, so you shouldn’t take the list of trends described below for granted, these are really Terrific Web Designing Tools that will bang 2013.

Responsive Layouts:

Layouts have been recently designed to match all possible digital media forms. The goal is to create websites that can be accessed by all devices, from desktops and laptops, to tablets, smartphones and whatever will be released in the close future. The point is to create a universal set of codes that work perfectly on all the environments.

Terrific Web Designing Tools

Retina Support:

Retina devices are known for being two times denser than an average LCD. In other worlds, although the physical pixels number is the same, the quantity of pixels that can be fitted in that physical space is double. As a result, web designers will have to create two different sets of images.

Fixed Header Bars:

This trend is not new, but we are beginning to see it in its full force. A fixed header bar allows you to navigate and go back to the homepage whenever you want. Users will definitely benefit from this feature, as it will help them navigate a certain website without having to look too far.

Large Photo Backgrounds:

If you’re fond of photography you’ll certainly find this trend very appealing. Photographs are known for capturing visitors’ attention, especially when they are oversized. Besides, websites that follow this trend look great and have higher chances of success. Big photographs are one of the best ways to please your eyes, and as a web designer, you should totally take advantage of it.

CSS Transparency:

The CSS3 version has been provided with some features that allow you to make opacity edits on whatever webpage element you want. In other words, you can generate transparency in all modern web browsers, without having to use Photoshop. This trend will continue to develop over the next years, but 2013 will be a year of remarkable progress.

Minimalist Landing Pages:

If you know something about markets you definitely understand the importance of Internet selling. Not only that you have access to consumer bases from all over the world, but you can also sell non-physical products such as creative resources or videos. The trend is about keeping things simple while focusing only on your main products.

Digital QR Codes:

Smartphones have opened the way for a wide range of QR Code apps (Quick Response Code). These tags have been recently tagged everywhere, from event venues to restaurants. However, the new trend implies building these codes into the design of the websites.

Social Media Bridges:

Marketing plays a major role in the success of a website, so many web designers have decided to take advantage of the situation and crowd their websites with viral marketing and social media. Digg and Reddit are two of the most popular resources that can help you share stories online, but you can also use social media badges such as the Dzone Vote Buttons and the LinkedIn Share Badge.

Detailed Illustrations:

Illustrations can easily hold visitors’ attention. However, the designer needs to be very talented in order to create wonderful works of art. If you look for detailed illustrations online, you’ll come across various websites that focus on digital illustrations.

Infinite Scrolling:

Pinterest has decided to use infinite scrolling on their layout and the website looks amazing. You can basically search anything you want, the results appearing incessantly while you scroll down.

Homepage Feature Tours:

This trend implies sliding demo videos and all types of image presentations that draw visitors’ attention. All you have to do is create something that looks good enough to keep their interest alive.

1) Sliding Webpage Panels:

Sliding panels have gained popularity and many websites will probably embrace them this year. An example of these panels can be seen on websites whose pages are loaded in succession by pushing on the right or left button.

2) Mobile Navigation Toggle:

A solid navigation is hard to build. You have to think about a way of providing access to important links, without crowding your page. That’s when a hidden responsive navigation proves out to be effective.

3) Full screen Typography:

This trend implies filling the whole browser with your webpage text. Although some users may think this is very annoying, the results are amazing if the designer matches the layout with the super-large text.

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