
Here is another Nice Photoshop Tutorial for you. Today we are going to make a Luggage in Photoshop. This Luggage Design in Photoshop will teach you how to handle some Basic Photoshop Tools. You will learn how to use some Photoshop tools like Rectangle Tool, Rounded Rectangle Tool, Ellipse Tool etc. and also how to work in Photoshop by using some of its basic commands like Layer Styles, Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, Drop Shadow, Satin, Gradient Overlay, Contract Command etc.. So not a difficult tutorial but an interesting one. Lets Start.

Luggage Design in Photoshop Final Result:

This is what we are going to make in Photoshop.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Final Result

Step 1:

Start out by creating a new file. Use the following settings:

  • Dimensions: 900×700 px:
  • Resolution: 72dpi:
  • Color Mode RGB color.

Then, with the Paint Bucket Tool, fill the document with #1B1B1B color shade.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 1

Step 2:

Create a new layer set, and name it “Luggage” (Layer > New > New Layer Set):

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 2

Step 3:

Create a new layer inside the Luggage layer set. Using the Rectangle Tool, draw a large light brown rectangle with #612B1D color shade and 223×295 px dimensions. Use the Fixed Size option inside the Rounded Rectangle Options to create the exact shape. Type in the dimensions in the setting box:

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 3

Step 4:

Apply an Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, Satin, Gradient Overlay, and Pattern Overlay layer styles to the large light brown rounded rectangle layer.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 4

Layer Styles Preview:

Step 5:

In a new layer, draw a large black Rounded Rectangle with the same size as the light brown rounded rectangle. Cut most of the rounded rectangle so you’re left with the top, as shown below.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 5

Step 6:

Add an Inner Shadow and Inner Glow styles to the cut out black rounded rectangle layer. Then, set the layer’s blending mode to Lighten.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 6

Layer Styles Preview:

Step 7:

On the Layers Window, create a new layer behind the luggage design layer. Then, draw a small gray rounded rectangle with #999999 color shade and 15 x 28 px dimensions on the bottom left side of the luggage design.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 7

Step 8:

Apply an Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, and Gradient Overlay layer styles to the small gray rounded rectangle layer.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 8

Layer Styles Preview:

Step 9:

Duplicate the small gray rounded rectangle design and position as shown below. In a new layer, draw a light gray circle with #E0E0E0 color shade and 37×37 px dimensions on the bottom of the luggage design.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 9

Step 10:

Add an Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, and Gradient Overlay styles to the light gray layer. Use the settings provided on the step image below.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 10

Layer Style Preview:

Step 11:

In a new layer, draw a black circle on each wheel design, as shown below.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 11

Step 12:

On the Layers Window, set the black circles layer to Soft Light.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 12

Step 13:

In a new layer, draw a small white circle on each wheel design.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 13

Step 14:

Add a Gradient Overlay style to the small white circle layers. Then, set the layer’s blending mode to Darken.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 14

Layer Style Preview:

Step 15:

In separate layers, draw two small gray rounded rectangles with #444444 color shade and 32 x 10 px dimensions. Position them as shown below.

Luggage Design in Photoshop - Step 15

Step 16:

Add an Inner Shadow and Gradient Overlay styles to the small gray rounded rectangles layer. Use the settings provided on the step image below.

Layer Style Preview:

Step 17:

In a new layer, draw a gray rounded rectangle with #B5B5B5 color shade and 93 x 98 px dimensions. Add a Marquee Selection around the gray rounded rectangle, do this by going to Layer > Load Selection, use default settings. Now go to Select > Modify > Contract, use 10 pixels for the contract by setting. CUT the selection so the middle of the rounded rectangle is open. Then, cut the bottom half of the cut out rounded rectangle to form the handle of the luggage design.

Step 18:

Create a new layer. Using the Ellipse Tool, draw a gray circle with #4F4F4F color shade below the screen display.

Layer Style Preview:

Step 19:

In a new layer, draw a black ellipse and cut out the inside of the ellipse using the same technique from step 17.

Step 20:

Add an Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, Satin, and Gradient Overlay styles to the black cut out ellipse shape layer.

Layer Style Preview:

Step 21:

Now add vintage sticker designs on the luggage design.

Final Image:

So after giving some time and some hard working, here we have completed our Luggage Design in Photoshop, hope you enjoyed making it and learn a lot from this tutorial. Keep visiting our blog for these kind of more tutorials.

You may also find our Robots Head Tutorial in Photoshop, please visit and don’t forget to share it with your network.

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