
A Bit Scary, today we are going to work on Photoshop Tutorial about Text Effect. In this Photoshop Tutorial you will learn how to give Cold Blooded Text Effect in Photoshop. Very nice and useful Tutorial for those who are learning Photoshop and need some techniques about Text Effects. So you will be working on some Tools and Commands in this Tutorial.

Final Result of Cold Blooded Text Effect:

Cold Blooded Text Effect in Photoshop - Final Result

Step 1: New File

Start out by creating a new file. Use the following settings;

  • Dimensions: 900×600 px,
  • Resolution: 72dpi,
  • Color Mode: RGB color,
  • Background: black background.

Step 2:

Select the Horizontal Type Tool on the Tool Window. On the Options Window, set the font family to Bookman Old Style, Bold, 180 pt, Crisp, and #FF0C00 color shade. In a new text layer, type your text in the canvas.

Step 3: Layer Style

Add a Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, and Satin styles to your red text layer.

Cold Blooded Text Effect in Photoshop - Step 3

Layer Styles Preview:

Step 4:

In a new text layer, type your name in white and position as shown below.

Cold Blooded Text Effect in Photoshop - Step 4

Step 5:

Add an Inner Glow styles to your white text layer. Set the layer’s blending mode to Darken.

Cold Blooded Text Effect in Photoshop - Step 5

Layer Styles Preview:

Step 6:

Create another text layer with your text in white, position as shown below.

Cold Blooded Text Effect in Photoshop - Step 6

Step 7:

Add an Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, and Pattern Overlay styles to your 3rd white text layer. Then set the layer’s blending mode to Darken.

Cold Blooded Text Effect in Photoshop - Step 7


Layer Styles Preview:

Step 8:

One more time, create a new text layer with your name in white color. Rasterize the fourth text layer so it transform into a regular layer. Go to Layer > Rasterize.

Cold Blooded Text Effect in Photoshop - Step 8

Step 9:

Go to Filter > Blur, and apply Gaussian Blur effect to the fourth white text layer. Use 12.6 pixels for the radius setting.

Cold Blooded Text Effect in Photoshop - Step 9

Step 10:

Add a Gradient Overlay styles to your blurred text design layer. Then, set the layer’s blending mode to Darken.

Layer Styles Preview:

Step 11:

Create a new layer. Then, set the layer’s blending mode to COLOR BURN.

Step 12:

Now, use a soft brush with a red color shade(#FF0000) and add blood touches on your text design.

Final Image:

So after working hard and giving some final touch, here is our Cold Blooded Text Effect in Photoshop. Hopefully you like it. You can also visit our Delicious Pie Design in Photoshop Tutorial to learn a lot from it.

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