Understanding the Benefits and Ways of Migrating to HTML5

Are you still stuck with the old static HTML4 site? Do you like working with HTML, but moved to WordPress to take advantage of the features that were absent from earlier versions of HTML? No matter whatever your reasons may be, migrating to the latest HTML5 version will provide you with many benefits.

The sole purpose behind writing this post is to make you understand the major reasons to consider migrating your website to HTML5. Besides this, I’ll also share some of the best ways to perform the migration process.

Why You Should Consider Migrating to HTML5?

Understanding the Benefits and Ways of Migrating to HTML5

Below are 4 of the biggest reasons as to why you should consider migrating to the latest HTML5 version:

1. Helps Improve a Site’s Usability and User Experience:

A couple of years back, Flash was used to add interactivity to our site for improving the user experience (UX) and make it visually captivating. However, a lot of performance issues were reported because of the use of Flash animations. The advent of HTML5, however, made Flash an outdated method for creating creative rich media sites, and for good reason. HTML5 helps render multimedia content without having to install any software or plugin.

What’s more? HTML5 content runs faster compared to Flash apps. And most importantly, unlike Flash that can’t run on mobile platforms (like Android, iPhone, etc.), HTML5 can run on both desktop computers and mobile devices. And thus, the latest HTML version not just help in delivering an enhanced UX to desktop users, but it also ensures providing equally enjoyable experience to mobile users as well.

2. New HTML5 Semantic Tags Help Write Cleaner Code:

HTML5 is less restrictive compared to its previous HTML4. Furthermore, the new semantic tags that HTML5 introduces makes it a lot easier to code. In fact, HTML5 elements when used in a web page help improves the semantic value of that page. Basically, HTML5 allows to write cleaner and semantic code that is easy to read. For example, let us look at a basic HTML code:

<div id=”header”>

<h1>Your Blog Heading</h1>

<div id=”nav”>


   <li><a href=”#”>Link1</a></li>

   <li><a href=”#”>Link2</a></li>




The above code is simple, however, you can make it a bit more clean and meaningful using the new semantic HTML5 <header> tag:


<h1>Your Blog Heading</h1>



   <li><a href=”#”>Link1</a></li>

   <li><a href=”#”>Link2</a></li>




As you can see HTML5 code save you from writing “div”, by describing the content using the <header> tag. Put it simply: it avoids using div’s for each content block using its new tags like <header>, <footer> <section>, <nav>, etc.

3. Modern Browsers Support HTML5:

All of the modern and popular browsers like Chrome, IE10, Safari and many more support HTML5, because of the new HTML5 doctype that looks something like:

<!DOCTYPE html>

The new doctype doesn’t require you to cut and paste long, difficult to read lines of code, and works in all the (new and old) browsers.

4. Better Accessibility:

Since mobile devices have become the dominant source to surf the web, it is imperative that your website can be accessed using any device flawlessly. HTML 5 is a mobile-ready tool that can help in building mobile websites, as well as, apps. And so, you can count on HTML5 for developing a site optimized for both desktop and mobile sites.

Recommended Ways To Migrate Your Site To HTML5:

There are two most recommended ways that helps in migrating a site to an HTML5 powered website, such as:

1. Use Tools to Convert Your Site to HTML5:

When it comes to migrating your site to an HTML 5 powered website, there are many useful tools available online that helps in performing the migration without having to fiddle with the code. For example, the XHTML to HTML 5 converter helps in converting your XHTML code into HTML 5 code.

While using such tools makes the process of migration a breeze, chances are that the converted code might not work as expected, and it may even contain bugs. And so, it is better to perform the coding task manually. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider using the converter tools, but make sure to assess the code carefully before applying the converted code to your new HTML5 site.

2. Look out For Professional Assistance:

If you don’t have enough time to perform the migration, or don’t want to migrate out of fear of breaking your site, it is advised that you should consider taking up migration services of a professional (ideally a web development company). Doing so, will ensure that your site is being migrated to an HTML 5 site as efficiently as possible.

There are two different techniques that your hired service provider might choose for the migration process. First of all, your service provider may simply copy and paste all your code in a new HTML5 site and can make changes to the design based on your needs. Or else, they may opt for converting your design files to HTML 5 file format.

Summing Up!

The web world is becoming more and more competitive with each passing day, and so it’s important that your website can help you provide wider reach. HTML 5 is one promising web technology that can help in expanding your web presence effectively. You can take advantage of such technology, by moving your site to HTML 5.

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