Web design trends are unique because although they are ever-changing, their core aspects have a tendency to maintain long-term appeal, especially when compared to other facets of technology. For example, the recent minimalist trend is not likely to go anywhere soon, quite simply because the majority of web users don’t want a cluttered screen. Additionally, a growing focus on responsive sites that are equally usable on a home computer and a mobile phone or tablet has caused web designers to rethink their approach to design. Here are six major web design trends we can expect in 2016.
6. Cinemagraphs:
While cinema-graphs have been around for a few years now, they have recently gained some attention due largely in part to the “Live Photos” feature on the latest iPhone. Essentially, a cinema-graph is a standard static picture that has subtle movement, bringing the image to life. Used tastefully, this effect can really take the aesthetic appeal of a website to new heights. Traditional animated GIFs have numerous practical limitations, but cinema-graphs can be rendered in real-time using HTML5 Canvas technology. A cinema-graph is more comparable to a standard image, but with a modern twist.
5. Bolder Design:
2015 web designers embraced subtlety and minimalism, and that is likely to evolve, but not change drastically. The days of trying to squeeze as much information onto a page as possible are over. Today’s web users want to get right to the point. In 2016, we are likely to see web designers coming further out of their shell, taking that minimalist approach while also adding some bigger and bolder colors, images, and typography to stand out from the rest. As web design becomes more accessible to the casual user, it is going to be up to forward-thinking designers to push the boundaries while still keeping that concise, focused element of simplicity.
4. Illustrations:
The days of the stock photograph may be limited. Today’s web users simply don’t feel a connection with cheesy and often outdated images. Instead, many of today’s trendsetting web designers are likely to seek out more relatable imagery, and illustrations are the perfect choice. A good illustration engages the viewer in a way that is open to personal interpretation. There are also endless unique styles, allowing progressive businesses to really build their own unique brand, rather than relying on trite, overused stock photos.
3. Flat Design Gets Flatter:
There is no denying the influence of responsive, flat design in 2015, and that trend is not likely to stop anytime soon. Plenty of Internet giants – Google included – have updated their logos with a flatter and cleaner look by changing fonts, removing bevels, and just trimming the extra fat around the edges. It is highly likely that we can expect other companies to follow suit, allowing color schemes, logos, and other immediately recognizable branding components to take the forefront over needlessly complicated fonts and graphics.
2. Full-Screen Prompts:
In line with other responsive, multi-platform design techniques, many web designers are choosing to make their mailing list, login, or other prompts fill up the entire screen when clicked. This is especially ideal for people who are using small mobile phones, as attempting to navigate tiny input screens is never easy. Additionally, these full-screen prompts eliminate the need to load another page, and they can easily be closed by simply touching the outside of the screen.
1. Function Over Fashion:
The days of attractive websites are certainly not nearing an end, but many of today’s web designers and their clients are realizing just how critical a seamless, unimpeded browsing experience truly is. Today’s web users realize that they have options, and it only takes one little glitch or error to send them off to the second choice. We can expect clever designers to combine fashion and function into one comprehensive package, but many less skilled designers may opt for the easy option that works over the flashier one that may cause problems.
Seek Out Forward-Thinking Designers:
As you consider website design services in Los Angeles, make sure you ask about what the designers have in store for the future, in addition to looking at past web creations. You want someone on your team who is constantly evolving and looking for new ways to improve. This year looks to be an exciting one for web design trends, and the struggle is going to be figuring out how to integrate less and more simultaneously, improving on last year’s minimalist themes while still thrusting the envelope forward.
Waiting for the latest trends.
Would you please write on 2019 trends?
Yes sure please, we have forwarded your query to our concern department. Will be uploaded as soon as Article is ready.
Hi Jenny!
As I promise, we just published an article on Web Design Trends 2019. Please visit https://www.stunningmesh.com/2019/01/web-designing-trends-to-watch-out-in-2019/
Full screen prompts, have seen alot of those. I wonder if they are bad for SEO? Have yet to see a full screen prompt rank high.
John A,
Pacific Coast HVAC
A great and accurate compilation.