September 6, 2024
Why Content Marketing Strategy is Integral to Link Building

In the beginning, little did people think about the quality of content because the entire focus of search engine optimization was on keywords and back-links. The idea was that better you are in using keywords in content better would be the search rankings. As SEO evolved, the search algorithms changed.  When it became apparent that earning more back-links is also necessary to boost rankings.  Until recently, making a good number of back-links appeared to be the only way to climb the ranking ladder.  The quality of link was not a factor at all. Link Building from sites of low quality were also acceptable.  All this has now changed drastically. To qualify for good ranks, you must acquire quality links that Google trusts and to achieve it you must depend on quality content. The SEO professionals at San Antonio Marketing Office would agree to this.

The Link Building Process Today:

Since the time Google highlighted that the quality of links is more important than quantity, the source from where you earn links became more important.  A quality link originates from a website that wields enough authority in its domain and publishes quality content. Since the target is to connect with quality websites for links, the only way of doing it is to share something valuable with those sites so that they would be willing to build relations with you and encourage them to share links. Thus, the concept of sharing quality content gained prominence and holds the center stage in link building strategy.

Why Content Marketing Strategy is Integral to Link Building

Why Content Marketing?

Publishing quality content alone will not help the cause of link building because of two reasons.  Firstly, too much of content is available all around us, and it is a challenging task to draw the attention of other websites to your content. Just publishing the content is not enough and you must have a plan in place to promote content through proper marketing.  This means you must have a strategy for content marketing that enables your content to draw the attention of others and help the link building process.

Secondly, even if you market the content well, others may share it but in the form of citation and quotes, which does not help your cause because it does not involve the process of sharing links. Therefore, going a step ahead, you must build relations with others so that link sharing happens.

The Right Way to Link Building:

Creating quality content that viewers find valuable enough is the core requirement so that it creates interest and engages people who feel like staying connected. This would encourage them to link to you. In the second step, promote the content well so that it comes in front of people whom you target. Using the right channels of distributing content is very important because it must relate to the audience you target.

The challenge lies in attracting the attention of quality websites that would be eager to connect with you. Creating link-able content and its proper marketing and distribution is key to effective link building today.

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