The developers who are working in the field of application development for some years now may have already seen the rise of many programming platforms and falls of many others. Software development is such a field where the trends are constantly changing, and so it is essential to keep a close eye on the future trends to move forward.
In this article, we are trying to look into some future trends of programming to make some predictions in terms of what programming will be like over the next ten years.
Trend #1. Programming May Become Abstract:
We can see that future trends may more like serverless technologies, low-code platforms, and container storage, etc., where the programmer may be working at a higher level of abstraction. If we remove the low-level coding details, programming may embrace new ways where the workload of the developers will significantly reduced.
In the real world, the developers may have to worry less about the infrastructure rather then the building of cloud and native applications. We will start to see more of AR (augmented reality), AI (artificial intelligence), and VR (virtual reality), etc. coming to the front end, in which the developers need to build the skills to make such applications. Those applications may also have the NLP and voice processing capabilities too.
Trend #2. Artificial Intelligence may Become an Essential Tool in the Developers Skill-Set:
As seen above, AI is now becoming a key tool in terms of development. Say, for example, Microsoft had added an artificial intelligence platform in the latest Windows 10 OS, which the developers who are building an application on this OS can use to pre-train on machine learning. We have seen BAYOU, developed by Rice University, which is an application using deep learning to enable search engine feature for coding, by allowing the developers to enter keywords and see a full-set code in Java which may help complete their task.
More developer tools may evolve which can predict the developer intent and give suggestion to simplify and quicken the development process. This will create another form of abstraction in terms of development. However, these changes are unlikely to replace the developers, instead will empower the modern-day developers to build more sophisticated solutions.
Trend #3. Expect Universal Programming Language:
To incorporate the best benefits of all upcoming technology like AI and ML etc., programming needs to be easier to learn and practice. The increasing demand for Python can be identified as a pointer towards a new era in programming. Experts say that Python may be considered as the great grandmother of the future programming languages. The future universal programming language may look more like English, which everyone can understand and use.
Programs may be built more with code blocks, like the solid alphabet blocks which we used to form worlds when were kids. Developers can easily connect these coding blocks to achieve whatever functionality or features they want and these blocks need not have to write in textual form. This will revolutionize the database management process also as suggested by
Future programming languages may also have visual images to represent data transformations like a calendar image, which will read this block will enable to select dates. There may be blocks also to enable the sensory devices so that even people with any visual impairments or so can also do development with ease. In every possibility, we can expect that the future’s most dominant program will be universal, which will support all types of developers irrespective of their mother tongue.
Trend #4. Developer Need to Work Closely With Data, Technology’s New Fuel:
All types of developers of the future must need data analysis skills. All applications and every single technology will depend on data analysis and statistical analysis, ranging from linear to non-linear data analysis to machine learning or even AI. The developers shouldn’t just learn to code but to learn how to analyze data and derive different models perfectly.
SQL Programming Best Practices:
Structured query language or SQL is the basic programming language for databases. Keeping in line with the above-expected changes in the front-end developmental technology, further, we will discuss some best-practiced SQL programmers need to follow for future.
All platforms have significant differences in using SQL syntaxes ranging from edit, delete, insert, commands to the complicated query quests. As we can see, NoSQL is also coming up lately where the approach is totally different from SQL, but there are a few similarities too. Further, we will discuss some best practices in SQL development.
1. Consider Relationships:
SQL is the language for relational database management. In such a structure, you need to build tables with columns and rows to build proper data relations. There shouldn’t be any scope of creating orphans, i.e., the tables which don’t have any relationship with another table. You can build such database relationships using primary keys and foreign keys. If you have a customer table and also an order table, without having a customer ID in order table, order table may get orphaned.
2. Give Optimum Consideration to Performance:
Just for the reason that the SQL data set has only very few records, it cannot be taken for granted that the data set will not grow considerably in the future. You much join tables on the indexes and also need to have a primary key for every table. One major mistake, SQL developers tend to make is by running a very poor performing query during development while the system is smaller and querying is happening at a limited level on very few records. You will find the query runs fast, but this is because the database server load is lesser. However, once you get into production and grow into a busy querying environment, query performance may turn to be poorer, and it will ultimately affect the site performance.
Designing a winning database is all about ensuring optimum performance and security. Always format the code properly for the understanding of other developers too who may have to edit or update the code in future also. SQL may sometimes become complicated if you may not organize the code properly and create a proper plan before coding. Consider the above SQL programming tips and also consider the upcoming trends in front-end programming to become a successful programmer in the future.