January 12, 2025
Get Back to Basics for Solid SEO Strategy

SEO strategies for new businesses aren’t rocket science. Most of the effective methods have been around for several years and have undergone evolutionary improvements. But one thing many startups miss out on is basic SEO common sense. Because startup owners are often wrapped up in fundraising, legal issues, and 101 other chores that are part of a typical launch, they often relegate website SEO strategizing to underlings who aren’t skilled in the art and science of the practice.

How can newly-minted owners make sure to touch all the important bases, even if they don’t have a top-notch tech team? They need to make sure they cover the more challenging technical aspects of SEO and website management. Consider reliable options to pick from Outsourcing Complex tasks like application monitoring, and statistical model building. Consider services like Kubernetes application monitoring, or searching out experienced help on Upwork or other similar freelance sites for help in this area.

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It’s the standardized and more simplistic aspects of SEO that you want to avoid the unnecessary cost of outsourcing. You will need an in-house team that can handle routine and impactful tasks if you want to retain and grow your customer base.

Here are the top SEO chores every business owner should keep an eye on. And if it’s too much for the in-house squad, think about hiring someone who specializes in SEO and paying them to audit your entire website. You may get reliable options to pick from Diggity Marketing as they are one of the leading experts in SEO

Make URLs User-Friendly

Avoid using redundant and halting words in URLs. That way, the search algorithm recognized them quickly and easily. A wrongly-placed “and,” “or” or “with” can literally kill the readability of a URL and render the entire page nearly worthless. When you create URLs that contain only relevant, non-redundant phrasing, the page has a much better chance of being found by people who are searching for your particular keywords.

Install Analytics:

Without analytics installed, you’ll have no way of knowing how well you are optimized for SEO. Google analytics are simple to download and install. Plus, you don’t need to worry about re-doing the install for every website you create. Whether you use Google or not, most analytics packages can be used for multiple sites. In Google’s case, you only need to re-install the analytics once for each 100 sites you build.

Google analytics are simple to download and install. Plus, you don’t need to worry about re-doing the install for every website you create. Whether you use Google or not, most analytics packages can be used for multiple sites. In Google’s case, you only need to re-install the analytics once for each 100 sites you build.

In SEO Be Smart with Meta Titles:

Users see meta titles first. That fact alone means you should spend enough time on this task to get it right. Remember to create titles so that they only contain relevant keywords, flow naturally and have enough uniqueness to draw attention away from similar titles created by competitors. Be creative and attempt to strike the right balance between uniqueness and outright odd-sounding titles. The goal is to grab attention and convey pertinent information at the same time.

For Every Image, Use Alt Text:

Images are important in the scheme of things, but you’ll lose the battle immediately if your images are not described in the correct way. Using alt text to simply convey the general content of the image is the way to go. If you use this method for every image on your website, search engines will be more apt to place you higher up in results. Be careful not to awkwardly use keywords in alt image text. If a word does not describe the image, discard the word.

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