February 8, 2025
Remote Work vs In House Work

In the past, no one would have imagined that the coming 20th century would experience work from home and remote work at its best. We all saw what a pandemic like COVID could possibly do to humanity. The pandemic involved lockdowns, loss of physical communication, and economic breakdown, among other after-effects. The significant change amongst all was the “Remote work” or also known as “Work from home”.

Let’s breakdown and talk about the topics, Remote work, and In-house work extensively.

Why Should you Go For Remote Work?

When you face a shortage of specialists, you can remotely hire anyone from abroad. Many Foreign countries hire from abroad when they need IT specialists, to work from home for the different companies.

Laptop, Mobile, Glasses, Coffee Cup, Notepad on Table for Remote Work.

When you have to hire someone for short time projects, it’s better to hire remotely. This saves you from the hassle of firing that employee later and prevents the company’s reputation from falling over. Another advantage of working with remote employees is that they need less supervision as well as they know how to manage their time efficiently. So it requires less manager hiring and saves money.

Why Should you Go For In-House Work?

Finding a specialist with the suitable skill set which is needed is not an easy job. If you do not find the right person with the proper skill set, you can vet them in your company by investing in their talent growth.

Women pasting Sticky Notes on Wall for In-House Work

On the other hand, Remote Employees are usually found working on more than one project, and there is always a chance of risk that they will leave eventually. Therefore, working with an in-house staff feels more secure and reliable for a long time.

Remote Work vs. In-House Work:


The biggest relief for employees working remotely is that they don’t have to wake up early and go through that busy commute from their home to the office. They can wake up a little late and sit on their laptop when and where required. According to a study, working Indians spend almost 7% of their total time commuting from home to office and office to home, roughly around 2 hours.

But some workers love to commute around, free from work as well as emotional stress from home.

So, if people are given a chance, they will surely like to escape the busy commuting and stay at home for their work.


Business Communication reports that face-to-face communication is still the widely preferred mode of communication, even in the case of employees.This face-to-face conversion does not include video or Skype calls.

For an employer communicating with the employees could be a topic of serious concern. Many believe that Zoom calls cannot be as effective as face-to-face talk. According to a survey of face-to-face communication, only 7% of communication and the rest 93% are indirect communication, including body language and tone of speech.

Work Environment:

The right work ambiance boosts productivity amongst employees, while the wrong one can prove as a mood spoiler for someone working in the office. When working in the office, workers can’t do much except just bearing to it. A noisy coworker could be something that every employee might be irritated about.

This is something Remote workers have the advantage of. Since they are at home, they can optimize their workspace to almost everything which suits their needs. But living with a big family and having kids could be a big distraction.


In a survey conducted by some popular company, 47% of the workers replied that “working from home could allow me to give my best to the company” whereas 31% said, “They are happy working in the office”. A point worth mentioning here is that if someone is working from home or is working remotely, he will have to commute less, there will be less stress due to the office environment, and there will be no distractions so that the employee can give his best in his work.

Another point worth mentioning here is that a healthy office environment and the hustling and bustling in the office will motivate other workers to give in their best in every work they do.

Team Building:

Team spirit and work culture is one factor that holds together the team working together for a single cause. But if in the company groups get created of some working remotely while some were working from the office, they can invite in Unwanted discrimination. Also, someone working offline won’t get to receive important updates and will not attend the meeting.

That’s why it is suggested to work at In-house dependency where every worker works as a team and not as an individual employee.

Well, the future has lots and lots of new trends to seep in with the coming time. Remote work seems like a new trend that is seemingly promising. But whether this new trend will be able to take over the good, old, round table conferences? Well, that is still a mystery.

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