Stone Text Effect A Very Simple But Important Photoshop Tutorial
I tried to make a unique tutorial this time. I am going to make the Stone Text Effect using Adobe Photoshop, I’ll be trying to show some reality, must try it.
This tutorial will depend upon the Size of document and the Size & shape of text. So values may vary according to these and result may differ from this tutorial.
1. Lets start with a new empty file of size 560x400px. Press D to bring black and white colors in Color Palette. Now I’m going to make some Clouds effects, for this run the command Filter >> Render >> Clouds:
2. Create a new layer and fill it with black color and run the command, Layer >> Layer Style >> Gradient Overlay and give the following settings:
3. Hit ok and then change the blending mode of Layer from Normal to Screen through Layer Panel, this kind of effect will come:
4. Now type your desire text, I’m going to type S. M. Remember to use Bold Text, I’m using Futura font with black color. Now apply these layer styles:
After hitting Ok, your text should look like this:
5. Now select all layers, including Background and press Ctrl+E to merge all layers. Press D to bring black and white color in color palette. Then go to Filter >> Texture >> Stained Glass and apply these settings:
you will get this result:
6. Press X to bring White in Foreground and Black in Background in color palette and then go to Filter >> Sketch >> Photocopy and give these setting:
you will get this result:
7. Now go to Filter >> Texture >> Craquelure and give the following settings:
after hitting Ok, you will get this kind of result:
8. Now pick Lasso Tool , put 10 in Feather from top property bar and select some different areas like shown below: (don’t forget to hold Shift key for selecting more than one area at a time)
9. Create a new layer and fill the selection with #124477 color:
10. Now create another new layer and Press D to bring Black and White colors in Color palette, and then go to Filter >> Render >> Clouds:
11. Now go to Filter >> Sketch >> Chrome and give the following settings:
you will get this kind of result:
12. From layer panel, change the blending mode from Normal to Overlay:
13. Now pick Eraser tool with soft edges and remove this blue color which is coming over text, to make it more visible:
After giving some detailing and use some filters, Here is the final look of our Stone Text Effect Tutorial in Photoshop, hope you like it:
realistic effect
Keep up the good work. This is a very creative and cool tutorial.
Great text effect. looks pretty real 🙂 would do great on a webpage. thanks for sharing