
Another 3D Studio Max tutorial is on your way. In this tutorial you will learn how to make objects Smooth and Tighten their edges Technique in 3D Studio Max. It is very useful technique so I tried to explain it. As usual Source .MAX file is also uploaded for your convenience.


Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique usually used in polygon modeling, specially in organic shapes and car modeling.

1. Start working in a new File and draw a rectangle by having the following parameters:

Smooth and Tighten

you will get this:

Smooth and Tighten

2. Now we are going to convert it into Editable Poly by using the following command:

Smooth and Tighten

3. Turn on Edged Faces or simply press (F4) key:

Smooth and Tighten

4. Now goto Edit and turn on Nurms:

Smooth and Tighten

This will apply smoothness to object:

Smooth and Tighten

5. To increase the Nurms or Smoothness, set the value of Iterations as:

Smooth and Tighten

6. Turn off the Nurms and Click on the Swiftloop button:

Smooth and Tighten

Now add Segments as:

Smooth and Tighten

7. Turn on Polygon and select the face, apply inset:

Smooth and Tighten

Box segments should look like this one as shown in the following image:

Smooth and Tighten

8. Turn on Nurms again:

Smooth and Tighten

Adding segments on edge will Create sharpe egde:

Smooth and Tighten

9. Inset the face again:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

10. Select the face and apply Bevel:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

11. Click on swift loop again:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

12. Create segments with swift loop:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

13. Turn on Nurms again. Here you can see some smooth and sharp edges:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

14. Now its time to separating egdes, select the following edges:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

15. Apply Chamfer:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

16. Click on open chamfer edges, this will separate the segments of the object:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

17. Click on the element and select one of the Element of the object:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

18. Open material editor by Pressing (M) key, apply Base Material:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

19. Select the object and go to the modify Panel for polygon modeling:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

20. Select the following element and Apply second material:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

21. This is how you can create Smooth and sharp egdes by using polygon, nurms and Swift loop:

Smooth and Tighten Edges Technique

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