Nowadays, it seems that everyone has a blog. These online journals are attractive, as bloggers are able to share their thoughts and feelings with the world. With this freedom of expression, writers contribute frequently to their blog, often using debatable topics to spark discussion. The more credible the sources and the more interesting the posts, the more followers are gained. With enough followers, the blog can generate revenue and more importantly, the author can use it to build his reputation by following some Blogging Tips.
Blogging has become a popular way to showcase and share work in graphic and web design. This exposure is what college design students, especially those in online schools, are looking to gain. In an ever-changing, competitive market, it’s essential for students to have an edge over the next person. As such, there is no better way to get yourself out there than to have a trustworthy blog that is informing and engaging for others to read. For these reasons, the college years have never been a better time to start a blog. Most students are passionate about their course of study, making their blogs all the more interesting. While the rest of the world doesn’t know what information falls where, college students are given current studies, news articles and journals that capture the most relevant information. Writing about these topics on a blog provides fresh information that makes readers want more. This steady stream of articles keeps bloggers on the forefront of the competition and gives them more credibility as a writer.
Choosing a Topic for Your Blog :
Choosing to start a design blog isn’t the struggle; keeping up with one is. In order to make your blog easy to write, choose a specific overall topic or idea. The topic can be broad, such as history or website production, or you can focus on a smaller segment. It’s best to choose a theme that coincides with your course of study, as this is will be the easiest source of most of your information. Depending on the tone of your blog, you can provide plenty of detailed facts for readers to learn from, or just present ideas in a lighthearted manner and encourage feedback from your followers.
If you don’t have enthusiasm for any particular subject in college, don’t think that you can’t make a successful blog. Think about your lifestyle and use this as your focus. For example, blogging about balancing motherhood and college is a topic that is easily relatable to many young mothers. Or, perhaps you’re a foreign exchange student and want to share your experiences with other students. Pro Blogger explains that no matter what you choose to write, your blog should be something you are passionate about and eager to share with the world.
Balancing Your Blog and College Coursework :
One of the most difficult aspects to managing a blog is being able to successfully balance the blog and your coursework. After all, once readers start taking an interest in your blog, they’ll want more and you’ll have to give it to them. Fortunately, there are a few proactive steps you can take to maximize the quality and quantity of your posts, as well as maintain your college coursework.
Prioritizing is key; so decide how you want to continue with your blog and coursework. For example, use a color-coded calendar and fill it out for the month ahead. Determine what you expect to accomplish at the end of each day and week. Since writing should not be forced, write when you can and when you want to. DailyBlogTips recommends that if you have a day where you feel particularly productive, write more. You can also write additional blogs and save them as word documents, posting them on a day where you don’t have time to write.
In order to balance your blog and schoolwork, you’ll also have to develop excellent time management skills. That means that when you’re writing, focus on writing solely and close out your social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. You’ll be less likely to be sidetracked and your posts will get done faster. Finally, keep your schedule manageable, as the more you commit yourself to, the less time you’ll have for blogging. Of course, you don’t want to give up on some of your favorite things just because you’re a seasoned blogger, but you don’t want to overexert yourself either.
Invaluable Teachings from Your Blog :
The majority of college students start writing blogs because they want to make money. While there is some money involved for those who generate a lot of readers, blogging won’t keep you around long if you’re only in it for the money. Instead, there are invaluable lessons to be learned that will help you in the working world. For example, when you write your posts, you’ll find that people have a lot of criticisms. You can choose to ignore them or take them personally or instead, use them to better yourself. Knowing how to accept and even value constructive criticism is a good skill to have in the professional world.
If you find yourself writing about material that complements your studies, you’ll see that you retain the information better. Likewise, since you’re actually grasping the material and writing about it from your own perspective, you’ll be able to participate in discussions and fill out written tests with flying colors. Not only that, but you’re also taking away pertinent information that you can use toward your own field of study one day. That said, it’s this manner in which you compose yourself, your ideas and your opinions that will build your reputation, develop relationships and extend your network; all which are invaluable tools for landing a job after college.
I really enjoy reading the articles on this blog.Articles was very interesting.I appreciate this wonderful post
Nice and great post 🙂
Blogging make me fun in the line world 😀 {Online}
and blogging meka me a nice writer.