Oho! Again full of silly errors, this website is really annoying me, the blog is all messed up. Hey! Are you still an amateur blogger? Fix your website properly, it desperately needs a change. Do you listen to these remarks frequently? Are your visitors completely confused with your blog? Can’t you recognize where you went wrong?
Dude! It’s time to bring changes to your blog. Remove the common errors that you have committed similarly like other amateur bloggers.
What Are Those Errors?
1. Remove the META Widget:
This is the first thing that you should get rid of as soon as you create a blog. You do not need this widget in your sidebar or footer; it will unnecessarily confuse your visitor.
2. Be Smart With the Tag Cloud:
Few blogs are there that are able to run tag clouds in a smarter way. The tag clouds are automatic and are added randomly without any plan. If you think to have a tag cloud on your blog, then be sure to make it a part of your SEO strategy.
Don’t use this general word like “ Google ”, “ blog ’’, “ tips” doesn’t make any kind of sense now nor for SEO.
3. Use Livefyre:
There are blogs which still goes on running their commenting system after their visitors logs in from WordPress or Blogger. That’s make all fussy, if your visitor is not having an account on any of them, then will they return without commenting. If you really want the visitor to comment, then don’t do that.
If you are worried about spam then it is better to use Livefyre instead, it helps to filter the comments at much ease.
4. Forgot The Sharing Button?
Today social media is the hottest trend to keep the world connected, and if you do not keep the option to share your blog content on social sites, then you are missing out a huge traffic.
You may say that, visitors can copy the URL and paste it on their social profile, but that is time taking. If you keep sharing tabs of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, MySpace, Digg, then it becomes pretty easier.
5. Avoid Spam Comments:
Thinking to have many comments on your blog, are you getting desperate for it. Do not approve all the comments. If your visitor is not sharing their real information, they don’t entertain them. If you are getting some social proof with the comments then held it as genuine.
You have lots to do with your blog and so from the beginning to turn into a professional one. Just make sure that no more visitors scream and tell that you are an amateur blogger.