February 8, 2025
Getting the Most Out Of an Adwords Campaign

Google and most other Utah SEO companies maintain that one does not necessarily have to spend too much on their Adwords to get a favorable result, and that is true. Still, even with such a small operating budget, one must make sure every cent is effective in enhancing the online visibility of the brand. When using Google Adwords Campaign, one of the world’s biggest pay per click and adword platforms around, here are some of the things to keep in mind to ensure efficiency.


Goals - Google Adwords Campaign

Every online marketing company must set clear goals when conducting a search engine marketing campaign. For Google Adwords campaign, the point should be the ultimate growth of sales, and not necessarily just an improvement in the online visibility of the company. This then translates to the client understanding what action they are targeting for their market, and how to get them to do it. It could be having them fill in a lead form, call a number or make a purchase. Having a concrete goal also helps when measuring the progress and results of the campaign.

The Customer:

It is important to keep the target market in mind when developing an ad. The most effective ads are those that;

  • Attract the customer’s attention
  • Convince them that they need or desire the product
  • Raise the interest of the customer
  • Lead customers to take action
  • Leave them satisfied when they choose the website

It is important, though, to remain grounded even as one looks to attract and maintain the attention of the customer. Do not mislead them, but make sure the ad is accurate and relevant for the landing page being advertised.


The Targetting

There are three broad categories of keyword targeting; exact match, phrase match and broad match. Incorporate all these into the keyword targeting strategy. However, bid highest for the exact match keywords and the least for the broad match keywords. Keep the campaign organized by differentiating the keywords by type, and arranging them so that they reach a wider audience. One useful way is to have the keywords Geo-targeted such that they only run in a particular area.


The mobile platform can no longer be ignored, even with Google Adwords campaign. Enhanced campaigns should make sure mobile preferred ads are used. This allows for messages and specific calls to action that are optimized for mobile. Combining this with a landing page that is optimized for mobile will leave the business having a positive user experience, higher ranking and ultimately a higher conversion rate.


After the identification of the various Adwords categories as well as goals and plans of action, make sure to plan various tests. These tests should aim at determining the best keywords to bid for, which copy of the ad to use and such additional factors as appropriate email marketing follow up and the design of the landing page. Testing can only happen once for every keyword, and when adding or modifying keywords, it is important to keep testing all the way down the sales funnel.

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